Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 298 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 298 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])

I will choose to escape, but if I can’t escape, I will not escape. It’s not me to escape
Grandson's style. "Wukong replied pretending to be mysterious.

"Eh? Well, I'll just trust you." Qi Yanfeng finally chose to trust Wukong, because his intuition told him that he should trust Wukong's words, although he didn't know where Wukong's confidence came from.

Wukong and Qi Yanfeng used their spiritual sense to communicate, and the communication was quite fast, not even a second was used.

"If it's the first case, the second brother may still be alive, and they are easy to deal with, but if it's the second case, the second brother and the others will be in danger, and I can't act rashly, otherwise a mistake will last forever Hate, only to tell the patriarch the news as soon as possible.

"Shi Yiyi struggled fiercely in his heart, and in the end he still believed that it is better to be careful and not capsize in the gutter.

Therefore, Shi Yiyi immediately reported the current situation to Shi Dongsheng through a voice transmission thousands of miles away.

"Hey, little lion, do you still want to fight? Your accomplice was killed by us, don't you intend to avenge them, or are you afraid of us and dare not take revenge?" At this moment , Wukong suddenly provoked.

"Stinky boy, you are looking for death." At this time, Shi Yiyi had to make a move, because he had already notified Shi Dongsheng, and soon his patriarch would send a few strong men who were no worse than him in the clan to help him , so he must take action, if Shi Xiao and the others really

Killed by Goku and the others.

Shi Yiyi did it for revenge, and for the sake of face. He didn't want his people to know that he was too frightened by Wukong's words to make a move.

"Brother, be careful." The moment Shi Yaoyi made a move, Qi Yanfeng suddenly felt a terrifying energy coming towards Shi Yaoyi, so Qi Yanfeng quickly reminded Wukong, lest he underestimate the enemy.

At the same time, Qi Yanfeng sacrificed the Immortal Bell, and immediately there was a 'dang' sound, and a sound wave invisible to the naked eye rippled towards Shi Jiayi's direction.

"Bang." Unexpectedly, Shi Yiyi actually broke through the sound wave, but his figure paused for a moment, and immediately rushed towards Wukong and Wukong with lightning speed.

"Sure enough, it turned out to be the legendary Grandmist Supreme Treasure, the Immortal Bell. Fortunately, your own strength is far inferior to mine. You can't even exert one of his ten million powers, and you can't hurt me at all. It seems that the two Brother and the others were really killed by you, then, you
Take your life. "Shi Yiyi immediately understood when he saw the Immortal Bell above Qi Yanfeng's head. After breaking Qi Yanfeng's attack, he immediately turned into a purple afterimage and rushed towards Qi Yanfeng.

Now he thinks it was Qi Yanfeng who killed his second brother and other clansmen. As for Wukong, he originally learned from the patriarch Shi Dongsheng that the strength of Wukong in gray is far inferior to the young man in white who sacrificed the immortal bell.Earlier he was a little suspicious that Wukong might

Hiding his strength, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, because his patriarch guessed Wukong's strength by sending people to test, rather than seeing through his cultivation level.

Now the white-clothed young man in front of him sacrificed the legendary Grandmist Supreme Treasure, the Immortal Bell, which made him immediately think that this white-clothed young man should have used this Grandmist Supreme Treasure to kill his second brother and his clansmen, so now Shi Yiyi doesn't care at all Goku got it, but wanted to

Hurry up and get rid of the young man in white, namely Qi Yanfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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