Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 299 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 299 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])
Shi Yiyi wanted to take away Qi Yanfeng's Immortal Bell before other clansmen came.

This is also caused by Shi Yiyi's greed, which made him lose himself. At this time, what he thinks in his heart is to quickly get rid of the young man in white in front of him, take away his Immortal Bell, and then kill Wukong. Therefore, Shi Yiyi's attack at this time was aimed at Qi Yanfeng,
In order to solve it quickly, Shi Yiyi actually immediately used the power of nothingness and the power of the universe.

This time when Shi Yiyi used the power of the universe, the surrounding space did not change into a space of stars. The only change was that the surrounding space was instantly locked by a powerful force. Horror.

At this moment, a phantom of a purple-winged wild lion appeared in the sky above Qi Yanfeng. The powerful pressure emanating from it made the space where Qi Yanfeng was located immediately distorted. At the same time, Qi Yanfeng felt an irresistible force suppressing myself,

Even if his own Immortal Bell removed most of the coercion for him, only a small amount of coercion remained on him.

Even so, this coercion instantly made Qi Yanfeng's lower body sink into the ground, and the meridians all over his body seemed to burst, which was extremely painful.

Afterwards, Qi Yanfeng immediately used the power of nothingness and the power of the universe. There was also no space for stars, and he was still on Purple Wing Mountain. Suddenly Qi Yanfeng felt much more relaxed.

In fact, the powerhouses who have evolved two complete Heavenly Dao universes and above will not be able to transform into a star space when using the power of Heavenly Dao. At this time, the power of the universe can already be integrated into their own power. used.

Previously, they only transformed into the space of stars, and only in that absolute space can they exert some laws and rules of the power of heaven.But now they don't need to borrow the star space, they can freely display the laws and rules carried in the power of heaven.
, which means that their laws and regulations have been recognized by the laws and regulations of the source world.

Now that they exert the power of the way of heaven, they can drive the laws of the world. In this way, coupled with the fusion and assimilation of their power and the power of the way of heaven, they can exert a more powerful power of the power of the way of heaven. Power is already the entire Hongmeng Realm

The power of the law of heaven, the power is quite amazing, not much less than the power he can increase by using the power of nothingness now.

If he has a deep enough understanding of the laws of the way of heaven, then he may be more powerful than the power of nothingness when he uses the power of the way of heaven. Another advantage of using the power of the way of heaven is that the use time is longer than the power of nothingness. Many, each cast of Void
Power, as long as 1 minute passes, the effect of the power of nothingness will dissipate, and the power of heaven can last for 10 minutes.

"Dangdangdang." Qi Yanfeng immediately urged mana into the Immortal Bell above his head, at the same time Qi Yanfeng rose from the ground into the sky, and a big golden transparent bell covered Qi Yanfeng's whole body.

In an instant, the ground trembled, and the entire space became even more distorted.

'Roar. The phantom of a huge purple-winged lion that Shi Yaoyi transformed into screamed and grabbed the Immortal Bell on top of Qi Yanfeng's head.

"Bang." At the same time, a purple afterimage collided with the transparent golden clock around Qi Yanfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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