Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 310 9 Turns to Mysterious Art

Chapter 310 Nine Transformations Mysterious Art ([-])

Now my realm is equivalent to the complete evolution of the six heavenly universe levels,
But the strength is definitely at least equivalent to the strength of the seventh Heavenly Dao universe that will be fully evolved. "Wukong finished in one breath, but Wukong didn't elaborate on the process of practicing the exercises.

"Hiss, it's so powerful, what kind of kung fu did you practice? I've never heard of such a perverted kung fu. Once you break through, you actually leap from the early days of the early days to the peaks of the middle days. Derived from the original treasure left behind
I can still accept that he has such perverted supernatural powers, but you said that this exercise you cultivated is more perverted than Lie Yan's heaven-defying supernatural powers, and I really find it difficult to accept it. "Qi Yanfeng gasped and said.

"Nine Turns Xuan Gong and Yuxu Heart Sutra." Wukong didn't hide much about the name of the exercises, but he didn't elaborate on the process of the breakthrough.

"Nine Turns Xuan Gong and Yuxu Heart Sutra? I have never heard of such perverted exercises." Qi Yanfeng said to himself.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of the Nine Turns Mysterious Art. It's the exercise that came from the universe where I was born. As for the Yuxu Heart Sutra, it's the exercise practiced by Yuanxin Daozu." Wukong replied with a smile.

"The exercises practiced by Yuanxin Daozu? Are you telling the truth?" Qi Yanfeng rushed to Wukong immediately, and grabbed Wukong's shoulder with his hands, but it was a pity that Wukong evaded him and threw him away.

Not many people know the names of the exercises practiced by the Four Supreme Beings, and since Yuanxin Daozu has fallen for so long, it is normal for Qi Yanfeng not to know the names of the exercises he practiced.Therefore, Wukong said that the Yuxu Heart Sutra he practiced was practiced by Yuanxin Daozu.

, Qi Yanfeng has never heard of it, so he can't be sure what Wukong said is true.

"That's right, it's indeed the exercise practiced by Yuanxin Daozu." Wukong said affirmatively, hanging on Qi Yanfeng's right after avoiding Qi Yanfeng.

"No wonder you are so against the sky. It turns out that you are practicing the exercises of Yuanxin Daozu. No wonder you can get the original treasure of Yuanxin Daozu. No wonder your father and mother value you so much. Let me tell you to go to Xuanling Canyon. It turns out that you Is the successor of Yuanxin Daozu

.Brother, how did you get the inheritance of Yuanxin Daozu?What does Yuanxin Daozu look like? "Qi Yanfeng believed that Wukong had obtained the inheritance of Yuanxin Taoist ancestor and became the successor of Yuanxin Taoist ancestor, and Qi Yanfeng worshiped Yuanxin Taoist ancestor very much, so he asked curiously.

At this time, Qi Yanfeng was very excited, because he did not expect that he could become brothers of different surnames with the inheritor of the super powerful Yuanxin Daozu he admired most. He felt that this was his great fortune.If Qi Yanfeng knew that Wukong was the ancestor of Yuanxin Daoist, what would he know?

What kind of expression should he have?How should I feel?
"If I say that I am the Taoist Yuanxin, the reincarnated body of the Taoist Yuanxin, do you believe it?" Wukong said, since he has sworn worship with Qi Yanfeng, it doesn't matter that he is the reincarnation of the Taoist Yuanxin. Concealed Qi Yanfeng, Wukong Xiang

I believe Qi Yanfeng will not talk nonsense.

"Brother, you, you are not joking, right? You can't talk nonsense about this." Qi Yanfeng stuttered, his eyes widened by Wukong's words.

It's not that Qi Yanfeng doesn't believe in Wukong, but Qi Yanfeng can't accept this fact for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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