Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 311 9 Turns to Mysterious Art

Chapter 311 Nine Transformations Mysterious Art ([-])
"I'm not joking, what I said is true, I am indeed the reincarnation of Yuanxin Daozu." Wukong said affirmatively, looking extremely serious.

Qi Yanfeng stared at Wukong for a while, and after confirming that Wukong was not joking, he immediately looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahahaha, Qi Yanfeng is really good luck! I didn't expect to be able to meet my most revered superpower Yuanxin Daozu." reincarnation

Worship as a brother. "

Then Qi Yanfeng stopped laughing wildly, and said gratefully to Wukong: "Thank you, big brother, for trusting me so much and telling me such important things."

"Haha, second brother, if you say that, you will be out of your league. I will tell you about my life experience sooner or later. I believe you won't gossip. Can't attack the reincarnated body of Yuanxin Daozu?

Someone is going against me because they know my identity, is my old grandson still afraid? "Wukong laughed heartily.

The source world is the interface governed by the Taoist ancestor Yuanxin in Wukong's previous life. Although there are many original subordinates of the two supreme beings, Mishishi and Good Fortune, most practitioners in the source world are still loyal to the Taoist ancestor Yuanxin.If people in the source world know Wukong's identity, they will only respect him.

Respect, even if there are very few people who are against it and want to kill it, with Wukong's character, Wukong is naturally not afraid.

"Okay, big brother, I will never see you outside from now on, hehe." Qi Yanfeng is not the kind of dead-headed person, and quickly put aside the haze of Wukong's previous life as the peak powerhouse Yuanxin Daozu, and said without fear, Not at all because Wukong is the reincarnation of Yuanxin Daozu
The body became well-behaved, and soon returned to its original nature.

"Haha, this is the Qi Yanfeng I know." Wukong said with a cheerful smile.

"Then, brother, should we go out next?" Qi Yanfeng asked.

"We won't go out for the time being, I want to study this different dimension here." Wukong said surprisingly.

"Study here? Brother, how long do you plan to study? After the weak point recovers, it will be difficult for us to go out. It is said that this different-dimensional space can only be broken and left after reaching the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Dao. Here, if we miss

Time, then it will be difficult for us to go out, this place is not suitable for cultivation at all. "Qi Yanfeng explained to Wukong.

"I just need to observe for a few hours. We will leave before the weak spot heals." Wukong said after pondering for a while.

"Okay then." After the two finished talking, Wukong looked around, Qi Yanfeng followed and didn't disturb Wukong.

In fact, Wukong did not tell Qi Yanfeng that the main reason for his rapid progress this time was not the breakthrough of the Yuxu Heart Sutra, but the breakthrough of the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art. Reached a new level
, now this new level, because of the traction of some mysterious power in this different dimension space, once again broke through the ninth turn and entered another new level.

When Wukong was practicing before, he suddenly discovered that the second stage of his Nine-Turn Xuan Gong also had Nine-Turn, but now because he broke through to the Heavenly Dao Fruit Status, the second stage has reached Ninth-Turn.

At the same time, Wukong found that when he was circulating the Holy Power, there seemed to be a wonderful power from heaven and earth entering his body, which was very subtle and difficult to detect.

(End of this chapter)

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