Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 319 Wukong accepts disciples

Chapter 319 Wukong accepts disciples ([-])

"That's right." Goku agreed.

"Who is Your Excellency? So that I can have an explanation when I go back." Taba was shocked in his heart at this time, but he still asked unwillingly on the surface.

"I said that I am Monkey King, if you don't believe me, see for yourself." As soon as Wukong finished speaking, he changed into the appearance of Monkey King.

"Transfiguration." Taba said.

"Your Excellency rejects my challenge and I will not pursue it for the time being. Sun Wukong agreed to my challenge just now. Now I will go to the arena with them for a life-and-death battle. I hope you will not interfere." wasting time, just

I want to resolve personal grievances with Monkey King and others as soon as possible.

I only heard Wukong who changed into Monkey King say: "I am Monkey King, I refuse your challenge, then there will be no end."

After Wukong finished speaking, he and Yun Xuanling walked to the side of Monkey King and the others, and then a golden light flashed, and Wukong and the others disappeared.

"Teleportation, Sun Wukong, you wait, I will find you again, we chase, they should not have run far." Taba saw Wukong and others disappear without a trace, said fiercely.

Taba guessed right, Wukong and the others did not go very far, and Wukong and the others were on the road not far from the city gate.

However, the reason why Wukong didn't go far was not in the upper realm as Taba thought. Wukong and the others were restricted from using teleportation, so they shouldn't be able to teleport too far. He didn't think Wukong was much stronger than himself. It should be said Do you think Wukong's strength is better than

Being strong is his pride and self-confidence as a young generation of genius.

From Wukong's appearance, he guessed that Wukong's age should be about the same as them, but he didn't know that Wukong's age was much younger than him, or even a fraction of his age.

The reason why Wukong didn't leave too far was because he just didn't want to continue nagging with Taba and the brothers, but wanted to chat with Monkey King and others, so as long as he avoided Taba and others, there was no need to run too far.

But the reality is very cruel, I saw that Taba and others also left the gate of Mailin City at this time, flying towards the direction of Wukong and others.

"The annoying flies appeared again." Yun Xuanling said annoyedly after glancing at Taba and the others.

"Xiao Ling, go and teach them a lesson and warn them, if you disturb my friends again, they will disappear from this world completely next time." Wukong who transformed into Monkey King said to Yun Xuanling beside him.

After hearing this, Yun Xuanling smiled strangely and said: "Hehe, don't worry, Brother Wukong, I will teach them a good lesson, and make sure they won't bother us again."

"You don't need to intervene in our affairs, we will solve them ourselves." At this moment, the young man with a serious face standing behind Monkey King said coldly.

"Vegeta, don't be like this, they also have good intentions." Sun Wukong quickly turned to persuade Vegeta, and then turned to Wukong again and said to Wukong: "Sorry, Vegeta has this temper, he treats everyone like this, You don't mind, but if you can change back first, I feel very happy
Something is wrong. "

"Hehe, it's okay, I won't mind." Wukong said with a smile after returning to his original face.

"Hmph." Vegeta snorted coldly and then stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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