Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 320 Wukong accepts disciples

Chapter 320 Wukong accepts disciples ([-])

But his attitude did not anger Wukong, after all, Wukong is no longer the Wukong when he was making troubles in the sky. Now Wukong has a good heart and will not get angry so easily. Of course, there is an element of giving Sun Wukong face.Wukong is not angry, but there is a

When people get angry, that is Yun Xuanling, he will not allow anyone to treat Wukong like this.

I saw that Yun Xuanling did not teach Taba and others a lesson, but teleported to Vegeta, grabbed Vegeta's clothes, and said fiercely: "Boy, what is your attitude? I order you Apologize to Brother Goku."

"Xiao Ling, stop." Wu Kong shouted to Yun Xuanling.

As soon as Goku finished speaking, Yun Xuanling let go of Vegeta and stepped back a few steps.

It wasn't Yun Xuanling who let go of Goku's words, but Vegeta himself shook Yun Xuanling back.

I saw that the current Vegeta was different from before. Vegeta, who exuded a silver-white cyclone all over his body and had long silver-white hair, glared at Yun Xuanling, as if he wanted to smash Yun Xuanling's body into thousands of pieces.

At this moment, Monkey King also transformed, with the same silver-white long hair as Vegeta, and Monkey King stood in front of Vegeta and said, "Vegeta, we are all friends, don't mess around. "

"Kakarot, get out of the way." Vegeta roared angrily.

"It's interesting to transform." Wukong didn't mean to persuade the fight, but the corners of his mouth turned up, thinking to himself.

"It turns out that you are still hiding your strength. I really misjudged it. Come on, it happens that my hands are itchy. Today, I will play with you." Yun Xuanling said with a smile.

"Monkey King, where are you going to hide this time?" At the same time, Taba's voice came.

"You guys, get out of here before this young master gets angry, or don't blame me for being rude." After hearing Taba's voice, Yun Xuanling immediately turned to face the flying tower from his side. Ba and the others shouted, their voices were mixed with sonic attacks,
Of course, it is only for Taba and others.

"Puff puff puff." Suddenly Taba and the others stopped flying and spit blood profusely.

Taba and the others looked at Yun Xuanling with horrified expressions, then they looked at each other, turned around and ran back, faster than when they came.

They knew that they had encountered a powerful existence that they could not provoke, so of course they did not dare to stay any longer. Yun Xuanling only slightly injured them this time, and maybe they will kill them next time. Compared with revenge, their lives are more important. It is said that if you keep the green hills, you will not worry about running out of firewood
Besides, the target of their revenge is not Yun Xuanling, but Monkey King and others.

Therefore, they chose to leave at this time, and then followed them secretly, hoping to take revenge after Wukong and Yun Xuanling left Monkey King and the others.

At the same time, Sun Wukong and Vegeta were stunned for a moment after seeing Yun Xuanling's powerful ability, and then quickly reacted.

Monkey King turned around and said to Yun Xuanling: "You are very strong, can you fight me?"

"Kakarot, I'm going to fight him first, you get out of the way first." Seeing Yun Xuanling's strength, Vegeta and Monkey King not only didn't show cowardice or shrink back, but they all competed to fight Yun Xuanling war.

"Don't fight with any of you, you two go together." Yun Xuanling said proudly.

"It's enough to deal with you and me alone." Just after Vegeta finished speaking, he jumped over Monkey King and rushed towards Yun Xuanling like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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