Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 335 Blood Stains the Sky

Chapter 335 Blood Stains the Sky ([-])
Not long after, Yunxuanling's absorption rate began to slow down, and the water column became thinner, and 20 days had passed by this time.

20 days and 20 days, finally, at the end of the day of No.80, Yun Xuanling had absorbed it. At this time, the eyes of everyone looking at Yun Xuanling had also changed. Worship and awe, yes, they are worshiping Mixed with awe.

Before, they were very respectful to Yun Xuanling because of the close relationship between Yun Xuanling and Wu Kong. It was only superficial respect, but in their hearts they looked down upon Yun Xuanling. Now their views on Yun Xuanling Totally transformed, revered from the inside out
Yun Xuanling is like worshiping Wukong.

Yun Xuanling also noticed that the way they looked at him had changed, but Yun Xuanling didn't bother to pay attention to them, but looked at Wukong in the spring, waiting for Wukong to absorb it.Yun Xuanling didn't say anything, and the others didn't dare to disturb him, so he just stood by the bank and waited for Wukong

"How did it take so long? It's been a hundred days now." A green-level powerhouse who had participated in Wuxiang Spring in the hall said doubtfully.

"Yeah, logically, they should have come out in less than an hour. How could it take so long? Could it be that someone inside absorbed the spring water for such a long time?" Another green-level powerhouse who had participated in Wuxiang Spring said.

"Huh? It's very possible. Now that the Great Sage is inside, this kind of situation is likely to exist. After all, the Great Sage is a heaven-defying genius who is rarely encountered in the entire universe for hundreds of millions of years." The previous green-level strong man thought deeply. Said after a while.

"That makes sense." The last green-level powerhouse echoed.

Two hundred days later, everyone has been waiting here for two hundred days, seeing that the height of Wuxiang Spring is less than one decimeter, but Wukong's absorption speed has not slowed down at all. Yun Xuan Ling outside, the hearts of others are like waves
Like the waves are uncertain.

"I have to report the situation here to the higher-ups." At this time, Chen Han had no choice but to report, the whole spring water was almost absorbed by Wukong, and he couldn't bear the consequences if he didn't report the situation here.

Of course, this consequence is not because Wukong has absorbed the spring water, so that other people cannot absorb the spring water. He doesn’t care if others can absorb it. What he cares about is Wukong, a genius with great potential against the sky. He must report it to the superior immediately. let above
Hurry up and build a good relationship with Wukong, otherwise the anti-alliance organization in the upper realm of biological civilization will take the first step to win a good relationship with Wukong, and the consequences of his late reporting of information will be disastrous.

I saw Chen Han walking towards the door leading to the hall, and quickly disappeared in front of the door. Of course, he went to report the situation here.

Another 56 days soon passed. On this day, Wukong suddenly opened his eyes. His black pupils were as deep as the vast universe, shining with a blurred light.

"Brother Wukong, you have finally absorbed it. Look, you have absorbed the entire spring water of Wuxiang Spring." At this moment, Yun Xuanling cheered and called Wukong.

Wukong didn't speak to Yunxuanling immediately, but looked at a person on the shore, a person he had never met before, but the aura of this person made Wukong feel familiar, so Wukong looked at this stranger, and Wukong looked at him while this stranger

, this stranger is also looking at Wukong.

(End of this chapter)

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