Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 336 Blood Stains the Sky

Chapter 336 Blood Stains the Sky ([-])
While sizing up the stranger, Wukong also found that Du Gan and other 16 people were no longer in this small space. Now only himself, Xiaoling, Chen Han and the stranger were left in this small world.

Wukong also saw that Chen Han was standing respectfully behind the stranger at this time, and then Wukong soared into the air, flew away from the dry Wuxiang Spring, and then landed next to Yunxuanling.

"Dear Great Holy Lord, hello, I am Ye Mingxuan, the leader of the Bio-Civilization Alliance of the Most Sacred Realm and the patriarch of the Saiyan race. I have long admired the name of the Great Holy Lord, and I wish I could see you soon. When I saw you today, the Great Sage is indeed very handsome. Extraordinary, I wonder if I can invite the Great Holy Lord to gather at our alliance headquarters." It turns out that this stranger is the current leader of the Sacred World Biological Alliance, and also a member of the Saiyan race, the head of the six major races of the sacred biological civilization. Patriarch Ye Mingxuan.

It is said that Ye Mingxuan has already reached the peak of Ziji, and he is one step away from reaching the stage of the universe in the legend of the Saiyan clan.

The level of Saiyan civilization is divided into five stages from top to bottom: universe, sky, earth, Xuan and Huang. Disappeared, no one reached the cosmic stage after that, so the cosmic stage became a legend.

The four stages of Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang are each divided into four levels. The strength of the Huang stage is equivalent to that of a practitioner in the world, and its characteristic is that the whole body exudes a golden cyclone.

The Super Saiyans [-] to [-] transformed by Kakarot and others from the Dragon Ball world that Wukong encountered earlier belonged to the yellow stage, and those below Super Saiyan [-] were not even counted as the yellow stage.

Saiyans basically live in the upper realm of biological civilization and the holy realm. Saiyans are extremely talented. Basically, newborn babies are in the yellow stage. A very small number of those who have not reached the yellow stage after birth are directly abandoned to the human world. This is the origin of the Saiyan lineage in Dragon Ball World.

Due to the relatively poor conditions in the lower realm, this is why the number of Saiyans in the first yellow stage (Super Saiyan [-]) before the Dragon Ball world is very rare.

The first two levels of the mysterious stage are equivalent to the orange level (equivalent to the lower gods in the upper realm of magic civilization), and the last two levels are equivalent to the yellow level (middle gods). The characteristic is that the whole body exudes a silver-white cyclone.

The first two levels of the earth stage are equivalent to the green level (upper god) level, and the last two levels are equivalent to the green level (main god) level. The characteristic is that the whole body exudes a dark red cyclone.

The first two levels of the sky stage are equivalent to the blue level (holy spirit) level, and the last two levels are equivalent to the purple level (holy general) level, characterized by purple-gold cyclones exuding from the whole body.

As for the legendary stage of the universe, it is divided into several levels that are unknown, and the characteristic is that the whole body exudes a dark cyclone.

Ye Mingxuan is a Saiyan, and the aura emanating from his body is similar to that of Kakarot and others, so Wukong feels that the aura emanating from Ye Mingxuan is familiar.

"Yes." Wukong nodded slightly and said lightly.

When Ye Mingxuan was about to say something, he was interrupted by Wukong, only to hear Wukong speak again: "However, not now, I have something to deal with after I leave here, and when I go to the holy world in the future, I will first I went to visit the headquarters of the Biological Union."

(End of this chapter)

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