Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 339 Blood Stains the Sky

Chapter 339 Blood Stains the Sky ([-])
Because they know that there are existences stronger than them here, and this is the location of the Four Great Jedi Wuxiang Springs, they dare not come presumptuously, even if they come, they will not get any benefits with their strength, so they are very sensible Don't come to join in the fun.

These practitioners who are equivalent to green-level powerhouses here are just ordinary green-level powerhouses. A small part of them are already here, that is, those green-level peak powerhouses who participated in Wuxiang Spring.

These onlookers didn't dare to get too close. They all lived in the city next to Mohai and watched the situation of Mohai from a distance. After all, the more than 5 strong people here are at least at the top of the green level. They are here, of course. They won't let those weak people disturb them anymore. Some people approached before, but they were frightened away by the strong aura emitted by the people among them. They didn't hurt the lives of those onlookers, but only emitted aura to warn them not to approach.

On this day, everyone suddenly discovered something in the sea, and tens of thousands of eyes immediately looked at a position in the sea.

Slowly, the sea water at this position parted to the two sides, and then Wukong and others rose slowly from the inside.

"Congratulations to the Great Sage and Master Yun." More than 5 people shouted in unison, the momentum was very spectacular, even the sea was shaken by the voices of more than 5 people, but Wukong and others were not affected at all. .

At this time, only Wukong and Yunxuanling were in the eyes of everyone, and Ye Mingxuan, the leader of the biological alliance, and Chen Han, the envoy of Wuxiangquan, were completely ignored.

"What's going on? Who are the Great Sage and Young Master Yun?" The crowd's shouts spread for thousands of miles around, and all the onlookers stationed in the city beside Mohai heard it all.

And being shocked by the shouts of all the strong men, Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, and one of them asked his companion next to him in a daze.

"······" The person being asked was also silent for a while, and it took a while to react: "Great Sage? Master Yun? I seem to have heard of it somewhere, huh?"

"By the way, a few years ago it seemed that a force suddenly rose in the upper world of magical civilization. Its name was 'Hongmeng'. Is its leader called the Great Sage? There is indeed a figure called Master Yun next to him. The great saint has a very good relationship,
Legend has it that the Great Holy Lord subdued many superpowers by means against the heavens. Today's "Hongmeng" is no less powerful than any other big power.

There are even rumors that 'Hongmeng' is already the largest force in the upper realm of the four major civilizations.Could it be that the legendary Great Holy Lord really came here? Could it be that the tens of thousands of superpowers in the ink sea are all the Great Holy Lord's subordinates?

If so, then the rumors are all true, and the power of 'Hongmeng' and the Grand Sage is even much stronger than the rumors. "The man suddenly remembered, said what he knew, and then analyzed in surprise.

"Hearing what you said, I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I didn't believe it very much before, so I didn't care about the legendary organization of 'Hongmeng'. Now it seems that it is all true. If we can join 'Hongmeng' , how great it would be." The person before said very yearningly, as if as long as he joined the 'Hongmeng', his future would be boundless.

(End of this chapter)

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