Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 340 Blood Stains the Sky

Chapter 340 Blood Stains the Sky ([-])
"Don't think too much about it. If you want to join 'Hongmeng', with our strength, it was okay when 'Hongmeng' was first established. Now we don't have that chance at all. I heard that the current 'Hongmeng' is very strict in recruiting, at least it must be green. level, and a strong person with high talent will do.
Alas, we're hopeless now, we'll have to wait until we get to that level. ’ the latter exclaimed.

"It's so strict, it seems that we have to work harder, I must join 'Hongmeng'." The previous person said firmly.

At this time, many onlookers are talking about each other, let alone the many onlookers, and the camera is pulled back to the sea.

"Wow, you're really right, they're all here." Yun Xuanling said with wide eyes in surprise.

"Hehe." Ye Mingxuan smiled cheerfully.

Wukong looked at this scene, of course he knew what everyone wanted to do, so Wukong said, his voice clearly reached everyone's ears: "If you want to join the 'Hongmeng' and become my subordinates, then go to the magic civilization on your own. god of war world

Go to the Warcraft Mountains, take this token, and someone will arrange for you. "

I saw a black token in front of Wukong out of thin air, with the word "Hongmeng" engraved on it, and then Wukong said to Du Gan who was standing at the front: "Your name is Du Gan, right?"

"Yes, Great Sage." Du Gan said respectfully when he heard Wukong calling him.

"You are the strongest among them, this token will be handed over to you, and you will take them to the Warcraft Mountains. Next, I have something to do, so you can leave first." Wukong just finished speaking, only Seeing that the token in front of him gradually blurred, it appeared in front of Du Gan the next moment.

"Yes, Great Holy Lord, I will swear to follow the Great Holy Lord, and may the Great Holy Lord live forever." Du Gan took the token excitedly and swore.

"I will also swear to follow the Great Sage to the death, and may the Great Sage live forever." Others also swore loudly, their voices resounding through the sky, once again stimulating the onlookers at the beach.

"Well, you go." Wukong nodded slightly and said in a very flat tone.

The strength of these people has far reached the current income requirements of the 'Hongmeng'. As for talent, since they can reach the peak of the green level, it means that their talent is not bad, at least qualified.

"Yes, Great Holy Lord." Everyone said in unison.

"Let's go." Then Du Gan said to the crowd, and then led the crowd to fly quickly to the sky. Just like that, more than 5 people left in a mighty manner.

Everyone in the upper realms of these four major civilizations is absolutely strong, so in a short while, more than 5 people have already left Mohai and disappeared into the sky.

After everyone left, Wukong turned to Ye Mingxuan and asked, "Master Ye, I want to ask you a question?"

"The great saint is being polite, please speak up if you have anything to say." Ye Mingxuan responded.

"I want to ask if you know a person named Kakarot?" When Wukong saw Ye Mingxuan, he felt that the aura emanating from him was very familiar, and soon he remembered whose aura it was similar to.

"Kakarot? Kakarot? This name is very strange, sorry for my ignorance, I don't know this person, dare to ask why the Great Holy Lord asked such a question?" After thinking about it, Ye Mingxuan couldn't think of Kakarot. Who is Te, so he opened his mouth to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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