Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 345 Blood Stains the Sky

Chapter 345 Blood Stains the Sky ([-])

Then they contacted the patriarch, and because of Wukong's words, they were even more afraid to go forward, and quickly retreated.

In this way, time passed by little by little, and soon Kakarot and the others recovered from their injuries. At this time, their complexions were rosy and they were in very good condition.

"Thank you Sun, Sun Wukong for your help. We will definitely repay this kindness." When Kakarot said Wukong's name, he felt a little awkward, but he still shouted out.

"Hehe, I don't need your repayment. I come to you now, just want to know your answer. Are you willing to worship me as a teacher?" Wukong said with a smile.

"If you're strong enough, I'd like to take you as my teacher." Kakarot said very directly, without going around the bush at all.

"Haha, straightforward, I like it, then you can see if I am strong enough later? Haha" Wukong laughed in satisfaction, and then Wukong turned to Yun Xuanling and Ye Mingxuan and said, "Don't interfere with Xiaoling and Ye Mingxuan later. , They just leave it to me to deal with it alone.


"Don't worry, Brother Wukong, I will never steal your limelight." Yun Xuanling patted his chest and said.

"Okay, Great Holy Lord, I will never interfere." Ye Mingxuan also promised.

They completely ignored the people around them when they talked, but their conversation confirmed their thoughts even more. They believed that Wukong and others were strong. Maybe they really encountered a hard nail this time, but they couldn't back down at this time. Even the other party's identity and how strong it is

I don't know, if they shrink back at this time, they will not be able to gain a foothold in Zhuo Yaxing in the future.

Of course, everyone also heard what Wukong called Ye Mingxuan, and what Ye Mingxuan called Wukong, so they were discussing whether anyone had heard of the titles of Grand Sacred Lord and Ye Mingxuan.

However, after discussing for a while, everyone didn't know who the Great Sage and the Leader Ye are. In fact, this is not surprising. Although Wukong's "Hongmeng" has developed very fast in the past few years, his reputation has almost spread to the four major civilizations. The upper realm and the holy realm, but there are still many people who are

I don't know Goku's name.

After all, Wukong's "Hongmeng" base camp is now in the God of War Realm in the upper realm of magic civilization, and has not expanded outwards. It is just because Wukong has guarded several superpowers that his reputation has grown, and these superpowers are those Common practitioners do not know
, only those who are qualified to know the four Jedi, who are equivalent to the strength of the peak green level or above, can know it.

Therefore, apart from the upper realm of magic civilization, people in the other three upper realms of civilization know very little about the 'Great Meng' organization. A strong person at the level of the family patriarch

, What they know is also very limited. They only know that Wukong has subdued all the beasts in the Warcraft Mountains of the God of War Realm, including the Lord Zihuo, the master of the Warcraft Mountains.

And knowing that Wukong is a powerful existence who came to the world of cultivation civilization and created his own force "Hongmeng" in the God of War world, I don't know anything else.But now the more than 300 people surrounding Wukong and others happen to not even know Wukong's name, let alone Wukong's name.
Some of the deeds after Kong created 'Hongmeng', so they doubted the strength of Wukong and others.

I think they are playing tricks, and I can hear their communication because Wukong has some kind of special ability.

(End of this chapter)

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