Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 346 Blood Stains the Sky

Chapter 346 Blood Stains the Sky ([-])

After all, Wukong and the other three did not show any great strength. As for Amanda's death, they also believed that Wukong used a dirty trick.

Although they thought so, they had no proof, and they didn't dare to take the risk to test it out. They could only stare wide-eyed, waiting for the arrival of support.

Of course Wukong knew the content of their exchange, but Wukong didn't say anything, but glanced at them coldly.

After about seven or eight minutes, Wukong found that there were many people flying from the south and the west, and there were ten forces. Then Wukong scanned it with his spiritual sense.
The strongest of these people is equivalent to the strength of the upper gods in the later stage (because Wukong came to this universe to contact most of the practitioners in the magic civilization world, so he knows the level and strength of the practitioners in the magic civilization world, so take the magic civilization The level of practitioners in the upper realm for reference).

Soon these people came to the side of their respective forces among the more than 300 people, only to hear a middle-aged man in brocade clothes who landed next to Dag said to Wukong and others: "It is you who rejected Taba's challenge. The challenge of the direct descendants of the family and the five marshals is to look down on our [-]th family and the five marshals, and we will retaliate with all our strength."

"I'm going to be a dead person soon, so much nonsense." Wukong said disdainfully.

"You are looking for death, all the elders teach him a lesson." This middle-aged man in brocade clothes is the head of the Lanbo family, Jason Lanbo. Although he was angry at this time, he did not lose his mind.

He also saw the body of Amanda next to Wukong and others. Before he was sure about the strength of Wukong and others, he would not take risks easily, so he asked his subordinates to go up and try.

Of course, the temptation should not be allowed to be too weak, so he sent ten elders in the family to make a move, the strongest of the ten elders was not much weaker than him.

"Damn it, why don't you do it yourself, let us try it out." Dag and the ten elders thought in unison, but they didn't dare to say that, they only heard them say: "Obey."

"You don't need to be so troublesome. Some people are here. When they are all here, you can do it together. I will solve it at that time to avoid trouble." Wukong said jokingly. Several waves of forces.

"I think you are really looking for death, patriarchs, let me first teach this ignorant guy a lesson." Wukong's contempt immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction from the crowd.
It was spread that the Eighteenth Great Families and the Five Marshals sent so many strong men to hunt down and kill a few unknown people, but they were scared by the other party's strange methods before they started the war, then their Eighteenth Great Families And the five marshals will not be able to gain a foothold in Zhuo Yaxing.

So at this time, the elders of one of the families immediately volunteered to fight.

"Okay, Third Elder, let him see how powerful our Woods family is." The patriarch of the Woods family said loudly. He said loudly that it was meaningful. It was to show off to other families and the subordinates of the five marshals, to show off his clansman Dare to invite Ying to go into battle, but they are timid and afraid to go forward.

"Yes, patriarch." The third elder of the Woods family said firmly.

"Patriarch, I am also willing to fight."

"Patriarch, I would like to meet them for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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