Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 347 Blood Stains the Sky

Chapter 347 Blood Stains the Sky ([-])

At this time, people from other forces also volunteered to join the battle. For the glory of the family or the five marshals, they must not lag behind other forces.At the same time, those family forces or subordinates of the marshal who arrived later also arrived.

"You don't need to argue, now you all go, Xiaoling, President Ye, you take them out of here first, and then I will kill you." As soon as Wukong finished speaking, he saw a large number of people around Wukong. The black cyclone wrapped Wukong in it,
Then I saw Wukong holding a long stick exuding an ancient aura in his hand.

At this time, Wukong's whole image changed completely, as if killing the world and killing the gods, a pair of eyes as deep as black holes looked coldly at the people of the Eighteenth Families and the Five Marshals.

"Don't worry, they are absolutely safe with our protection." Yun Xuanling assured, and then took Kakarot and others and disappeared into the encirclement in a stream of colorful light, and then Ye Mingxuan also turned into a stream of light and disappeared in a flash.

At this time, Wukong was slowly rising into the sky, looking at the Hongmeng Mieshi stick in his hand, Wukong said: "Mieshi, you haven't killed for a long time, and today I will accompany my grandson to kill happily." Then Wukong Looking around, he said coldly: "It just so happens that my death
It's not long since I learned the second style of the Shijiu stick, and I haven't actually fought it yet, so I will use you to practice moves. "

Everyone also felt the terrifying and destructive aura from Wukong, so various forces immediately launched an attack first, and saw thousands of colorful attacks all flying towards Wukong in the middle sky.

Wukong was not moved by it at all, but held the Hongmeng World Extinguishing Stick horizontally with both hands, and then quickly danced the Hongmeng World Extinguishing Stick. Immediately, an invisible aura formed around Wukong, and those attacks stopped one meter away from Wukong. In this way thousands of colorful energies
The body encloses Wukong in an invisible circle, but Wukong is ecstatically wielding the primordial world destroying stick inside.

"Intensify your attack." Someone shouted immediately, although it was another round of violent attack, it was a pity that it still stayed outside the invisible circle as before.

"The ten thousand afterimages of the Nine Cudgels of Destroying the World." Wukong murmured softly, and then saw Wukong as the center, and countless stick shadows appeared within a radius of one kilometer.

"Bang bang bang." Immediately, there was a series of beating sounds, and explosions followed one after another, and of course there were screams.

It turned out that countless stick shadows that suddenly appeared all hit the people of the eighteen major families and the five marshals, as well as those energy bodies that stayed in mid-air, and those who were caught immediately exploded and died. , filled with strong blood everywhere


"Wait, you can't kill us." Just as the eighteen major families and the five marshals were about to be wiped out in the blink of an eye, a voice came from it.

At this time, Wukong no longer wields the Hongmeng World Destroyer Stick, but holds one end of the Hongmeng World Destroyer Stick in his right hand and looks down. One attack will soon wipe them all out, and Wukong doesn't need to launch a second round of attacks at all.

After Wukong heard the man shout, he snapped his fingers, and those stick shadows immediately turned into nothingness, disappearing between heaven and earth.

"Hehe, I really want to hear why I can't kill you?" Wukong looked down and smiled playfully.

(End of this chapter)

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