Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 359 Advent of the Holy King

Chapter 359 Advent of the Holy King ([-])

"The others are waiting here, Xiaoling, follow me." Wukong didn't answer, but ordered directly, and then turned into a black streamer and flew out of the hall, straight up to the sky.

Seeing this situation, Yun Xuanling immediately turned into a stream of colorful light and followed closely.

Although the others didn't understand what was going on, they obeyed Wukong's orders and stayed in the blood palace obediently.

Of course, the Bloodthirsty Demon Emperor would not neglect these members of the holy soldiers, because he found that he could not see through the strength of these people. Apart from being shocked, he could only be thankful that he had made the right choice.

Leaving aside the Bloodthirsty Demon Emperor and Saint Soldiers, soon after, Wukong and Yunxuanling had already flown to the sky over [-] meters away from the Blood Palace. Right above the sky, at this time, Wukong and Wukong were hanging in the air and looking at the sky in front of them.


I saw that the space 200 meters in front of Wukong was undergoing strange changes. There were countless cracks around a black hole the size of a fingernail spreading out like spider webs, and golden electric currents emerged from it. Gradually, the black hole began to expand. grow bigger, blink

In the blink of an eye, a black hole with a diameter of five meters was formed.

The strange thing is that this black hole has no attraction, it does not swallow everything around it, it is very calm and serene.

Even more strange things appeared immediately after, the black hole that was originally black suddenly emitted colorful rays of light, and a strange fragrance emanated from it.

"Brother Wukong, how do you know that there will be people sent by the holy world to deal with us? Could it be that the people from the holy world came down to have other things?" Yun Xuanling looked at the vision in front of him and asked curiously.

It turned out that Wukong found that there was a change in the space here, so he brought Yunxuanling here directly, and told Yunxuanling that the holy world sent people down to deal with them on the way.

"Hehe, of course it was Mieshi who told me. I believe he will not make a mistake." Wukong smiled and said, Wukong's Primordial Mieshistick has its own consciousness, and Yun Xuanling knows this.

Since Mie Shi regained [-]% of his strength, he has transformed into an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, similar to Yun Xuanling's current appearance, but soon Mie Shi left for the Holy Realm, Hongmeng Mie who stayed beside Wukong The World Stick is just an energy body with Mieshi Divine Consciousness attached, no

But ordinary people can't see it, because there is a ban on destroying the world, even a saint can't see that the primordial world destroying stick on Wukong's body is an energy body.

Even the energy body left by Mieshi is not comparable to ordinary innate treasures. It carries Mieshi's heaven-level deterrent, but it can only be used ten times.

As for the purpose of destroying the world and going to the holy world?Of course, this is something for later.

"That kid Mieshi told you, brother Wukong, that kid Mieshi didn't know what to do when he went to the Holy Realm? He didn't even tell us, heh heh, we'll settle the score with him when we see him." Yun Xuanling Said angrily.

Ever since Mieshi turned into a human form, he has become one with Yun Xuanling. Although Mieshi is an old antique who has lived for an unknown number of years, his heart and appearance are similar. He is of the same type as Yun Xuanling, and he loves to play more. The relationship between the two is very good.

But not long after, Mie Shi left, saying that he was going to the holy world. As for what he was doing, even Wukong didn't tell him, saying that he would know after Wukong and Yun Xuanling went to the holy world, making it very mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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