Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 360 Advent of the Holy King

Chapter 360 Advent of the Holy King ([-])

"Haha, if he didn't say it, he must have thought of giving us a surprise." Wukong said with a smile.

Just as Wukong finished speaking, the black hole in front of him changed again, and before the colorful rays of light and the strange fragrance in the sky became even worse, a powerful coercion suddenly emanated from it, Wukong and the two of them were the first to bear the brunt, and the sudden vast coercion instantly covered The entire demon world.

However, although this coercion is powerful, it is nothing to Wukong at all, but Yun Xuanling is different. Although his current strength is comparable to the peak of the Holy Spirit.

But he couldn't resist the sudden strong coercion. Fortunately, Wukong instantly propped up a transparent protective shield to relieve the pressure. Otherwise, Yun Xuanling would have been injured by this powerful coercion.

This powerful coercion is targeted. People of different levels feel different pressures. The stronger the strength, the stronger the pressure they feel. If they dare to resist, they will be killed by this powerful coercion.

Nowadays, some demon cultivators in the demon world tried to resist this sudden powerful pressure, and ended up exploding to death. Among them, there is no lack of demon king level. There was no resistance at all to the coercion exuded by the people.

There are still some people who have not been forced to kneel by this powerful coercion, and that is Wukong's personal soldiers and the bloodthirsty devil emperor in the blood palace. The 51 members of the holy soldiers led by Zihuo all have the Holy Spirit level of strength.

The 51 people worked together to resist this powerful coercion, and they could barely withstand it. As for the bloodthirsty devil emperor and others, they also made some efforts, but compared to Zihuo and others, it was insignificant.

This also allowed the Bloodthirsty Demon Emperor and the others to see how powerful Zihuo and the others were, and they became more determined in their choice.

Fortunately, this powerful coercion is aimed at the peak of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, Zihuo and the others really wouldn't be able to last long, and Zihuo and the others took out their own supreme artifacts to resist.

Among them, Zihuo has a creation artifact that is higher than its own level. Wukong helped them transform and upgrade their artifact. It would take a long time for them to upgrade, unless they can get a high-level artifact.

After all, their strength has been greatly improved in a short period of time with the help of the elixir refined by Wukong, but their artifacts cannot be upgraded with elixirs, and they need to be nourished by their supreme divine power or creation divine power for a long time to upgrade. So Wukong did them a favor.

Even though everyone was still relying on powerful artifacts to withstand this coercion, they were still slightly injured. After all, this powerful coercion was aimed at those below the level of holy generals (including holy generals).If Yun Xuanling resisted alone, although he could barely resist, he would definitely be seriously injured.

However, this is also the reason why Yun Xuanling has no magic weapon. The power of the magic weapon used by Zihuo and others can't be resisted by ordinary saint generals at the early stage.

In particular, Zihuo also has a creation artifact that is higher than its own level, and Zihuo and others have a defensive magic circle, and the defense against coercion is geometrically increased, so they are all injured, but One can imagine the terrifying strength of the master exuding this powerful coercion.

At the same time, the same thing happened in the Immortal Realm, Buddha Realm, Demon Realm, Netherworld and other spaces, and a powerful coercion also appeared to cover these four realms.

(End of this chapter)

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