Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 365 Advent of the Holy King

Chapter 365 Advent of the Holy King ([-])

"Hmph, whether you are Zhuge Huanyu or not, you have to die today." The middle-aged man in purple was completely angry. He had just arrived in the lower realm when someone dared to provoke him, which made him lose face. If he goes to the holy world, it will be very bad for him.

As soon as the middle-aged man in purple finished speaking, he saw more black smoke emanating from the Demon Spirit Cauldron, and the smoke quickly formed a ten-meter-high giant.

"Roar." The black mist giant roared, and the surrounding space suddenly became very distorted, and a large number of space cracks appeared, and even the Buddha seal Wukong punched had no effect, and was completely destroyed by the black mist giant's punch.

"You are quite capable, but in this demon world, you can only display the strength of the peak of the demon emperor. Hehe, compared with me, you are still far behind. If you surrender to me, I can spare your life .” Wukong didn’t take the breaking of the Buddha’s seal to heart,
At this time, he still looked relaxed, and said contemptuously to the middle-aged man in purple.

"Huh, you're not ashamed of your big words." The middle-aged man in purple shouted coldly, and kept urging his mana, causing more and more black mist to emerge from the magic cauldron. In an instant, five black mist giants were produced.

"It's time for the game to end, break it for me." Wukong suddenly said seriously.

As soon as Wukong finished speaking, the five black mist giants exploded in an instant, and the huge energy shook the entire demon world.

The huge energy wave generated by the explosion spread out in all directions, and circles of energy ripples visible to the naked eye quickly spread to kilometers away. Everything they passed was swallowed up. Fortunately, this place was high in the sky, swallowed up There were only some clouds and mist. At this time, Yunxuanling had already

Evacuated farther away.

Soon after, the smoke dissipated, and the damaged space quickly healed under the rules of the universe. Although the energy generated by the explosion was about to disappear completely, there was still the violent energy that remained in the space after the explosion.

At this time, the scene changed completely, and Wukong was playing with a small black cauldron in his hand, and the middle-aged man in purple was staring at Wukong opposite Wukong in a daze, and kept muttering: "Impossible, impossible. "

The middle-aged man in purple had completely lost the desire to fight at this time, and he looked like he was being slaughtered.

Wukong stopped playing with the magic cauldron in his hand, then glanced at the middle-aged man in purple, and said, "Nothing is impossible, as I said, you are far behind me."

When the middle-aged man in purple heard what Wukong said, his confused eyes immediately became sharp, and he asked loudly: "Just now you clearly exerted the power of the peak level of the Holy Spirit. In this lower realm, there are cosmic rules. The strength of the practitioners who came down from the upper realm
It will be suppressed to the peak of the Immortal Emperor, even if it is a magic weapon, it will also be suppressed, and it will not be able to display its due power. At most, it will use some secret methods to temporarily return its own power, but the price is also very high. Under normal circumstances, We won't use it because we fix

The exercises practiced are more advanced than those in the lower realms. When the power we use is the same, the power we display is stronger. Although you only displayed the strength of the Holy Spirit just now, I feel that you can also display more power. Strong power, but Shi

How is it possible that you have not been condemned by God for exhibiting power beyond the limits of the lower realm? "

(End of this chapter)

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