Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 366 Brothers Reunited

Chapter 366 Brothers Reunited ([-])

"Haha, I said that there is nothing impossible, but you are still wise. You didn't use the secret method to forcefully restore your strength, because my strength is definitely more than yours." Wukong laughed.

"I should have figured out who you are a long time ago. You are not Zhuge Huanyu at all. I should have seen from the magic weapon you used just now that you are Zhuge Huanyu's sworn brother, the leader of the 'Hongmeng' Sun Wukong,

In this lower realm, only you have such great strength. I heard that you easily surrendered two holy generals and seven holy spirits. They said that you have great potential and will become the overlord of the holy world in the future.
I also scoff at other people's views and don't take it seriously.There is nothing to be afraid of if you think that you are just defeating a few magical civilizations with limited power. Our practitioners of cultivation civilization are far stronger than their magic civilization practitioners at the same level.
Now it seems that the rumors have underestimated you. You are much stronger than the rumors. In this lower realm, you can achieve such achievements in a short period of time, and you are not restricted by the rules of the universe.
If you go to the Holy Realm where the aura is more abundant, your future is absolutely limitless. Presumably you are here today for your second brother Zhuge Huanyu.I have a question, you are waiting for me here, did you know in advance that I was coming to deal with Zhuge Huanyu? "The middle-aged man in purple stared at Wukong and said.

Although he acknowledged Wukong's strength, he knew that it would be useless for him to do it again. Even if he had a second move, he would not use it unless he was forced to.

At this time, Wukong is too mysterious for him, ignoring the rules of the universe, and possesses a strength no less than his own. The more mysterious Wukong is, the less he dares to use the secret method easily.

The reason for disregarding the laws of the universe, he knew Goku would never tell him, so he asked another question that he wanted to know the answer to.

"That's right, I'm Monkey King, but what's the benefit if I tell you?" Wukong smiled strangely.

Seeing Wukong's weird smile, the middle-aged man in purple couldn't help shivering, and then asked back, "Huh? Could it be that if I do you a favor, just tell me?" The middle-aged man in purple was a little confused at this time, and he If you lose to the opponent, you are basically at the mercy of others. The opponent can kill you and take all your treasures from yourself.

He was ready to give it a go, and later he would use the secret method to see if he could get away with it, but now he was just saying things before desperately, and wanted to learn more about Wukong.

Let Wukong relax his guard against himself so that he could find a chance to sneak attack. He also thought that Wukong might not answer him as he wished, but Wukong didn't play cards according to common sense at all, and asked him if it was good.

"Hey, of course, if the benefits you give me satisfy me, I will not only tell you, but also spare your life." Wukong said with a smile.

The middle-aged man in purple was overjoyed when he heard what Wukong said, but he still suppressed his excitement, and then said to Wukong: "What you said is true, you will really let me go."

The middle-aged man in purple is most concerned about what Wukong said just now to let him go. As for the question he asked just now, whether Wukong told him the answer is not important anymore.

Of course, the middle-aged man in purple would be very happy if he could not use the secret method of damaging himself by [-] and injuring the enemy by a thousand. What's more, even if he used the secret method, he would injure himself by a thousand, but the opponent might not be able to injure a hundred.

(End of this chapter)

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