Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 367 Brothers Reunited

Chapter 367 Brothers Reunited ([-])
"What my old grandson said never counts. If you continue to babble, be careful that my old grandson will send you to see King Yama." Wukong said very seriously.

"Yes, yes, I don't know what benefits the Great Sage wants? As long as I can afford it, I will never be stingy." At this time, the middle-aged man in purple said with a smile on his face, not at all as arrogant as before. look.

Even if Wukong's requirements are very high, as long as he has the ability to meet them, the middle-aged man in purple will certainly not be stingy. After all, life is more important than his own life. The benefits given to Wukong, after returning to the holy world, he still has chance to get.

"Who is King Yama? Whoever he is, since Sun Wukong said so, if I was sent there by him, there must be nothing good." The middle-aged man in purple thought to himself.

Yama is an existence in the prehistoric universe, and the middle-aged man in purple certainly doesn't know who he is.

"What benefits do I want?" Wukong deliberately paused. At this time, the middle-aged man in purple looked at Wukong very nervously, waiting for his answer.

"The advantage I want is that you will follow me and become my subordinate." Wukong said suddenly after seeing the nervous expression of the middle-aged man in purple.

"What? Let me take refuge in you?" The middle-aged man in purple suddenly said in surprise.

"That's right, don't you... don't agree." Wukong said in a deliberately elongated voice.

"Hmph, Brother Wukong is willing to let you join the 'Hongmeng' because he thinks highly of you. Don't babble here. If you want to agree, hurry up, and if you don't agree, give an answer quickly." Yun Xuanling had already arrived at Wukong's room Beside him, Yun Xuanling couldn't help shouting when he saw the middle-aged man in purple who was thinking silently.

"This, this." The middle-aged man in purple stammered.

But a fierce struggle is going on in his heart: "What should I do? If I take refuge in him, I will definitely be retaliated by the Holy Emperor Mingsha. With the means of the Holy Emperor Mingsha, if I am caught by him, I will definitely die.
If I don't turn to Sun Wukong, I will probably be killed immediately.Although Sun Wukong is strong and has great potential, he is far behind the Holy Emperor Mingsha. If he offends the Holy Emperor Mingsha, he will probably be strangled by the Holy Emperor Mingsha. What should I do? "

"By the way, in this lower realm, Sun Wukong is not restricted by the rules of the universe, but the Emperor Mingsha is still restricted by the rules of the universe. Even if he comes in person, he can only display the power of the peak of the devil emperor because of the restrictions of the rules of the universe. .” The middle-aged man in purple thought suddenly.

But the middle-aged man in purple had a second thought and felt that it was not feasible: "However, even if the Holy Emperor Mingsha can only use the power of the peak of the Devil Emperor, but with his divine sense pressure and powerful spells at the level of the Holy Emperor,

Even if it is an ordinary strong man at the level of the Holy King, I am afraid that he is not his opponent. Besides, Sun Wukong is probably only a little stronger than me, at most a strong man at the mid-level of the Holy King, how can he compete with the Holy Emperor of Mingsha.

What's more, the Holy Emperor Mingsha must have a way to recover all his power without being condemned by heaven. Even the other three major civilizations have holy tombs, Jijia Pavilion and Wuxiang Spring, which are special space treasures that are not restricted by the rules of the universe.

In these special spaces, powers above the Holy Spirit can be exerted without being suppressed. How could our cultivation civilization not have similar treasures. "

The middle-aged man in purple was very tangled in his heart at this time, and was engaged in a fierce struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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