Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 376 Brothers Reunited

Chapter 376 Brothers Reunited ([-])

If people in the holy world know about it, they will definitely send strong people to question and rob it.

If we get this secret, the balance of the worlds will be disturbed, and the universe may have a catastrophe.

Although I can't tell it, but fewer people know the secret, which will reduce the occurrence of mistakes.

Similarly, on a suspended land in the depths of Hongmeng, there are three people sitting around a stone table discussing.

"This Monkey King is getting more and more mysterious. There are too many secrets in him. I can't even understand the heaven-defying pill." The gray-clothed man among the three sighed.

"Yeah, I always feel like something is missing in my memory, but I just don't know what's wrong." The young man in brocade clothes on the right of the gray-clothed man echoed.

"Second brother, your universe is becoming more and more interesting now. Not only does the mysterious existence of Monkey King appear, but also the one in the holy world, Yun Xuanling next to Monkey King, and Zhuge Huanyu, the sworn brother of Monkey King, we It's becoming more and more invisible
, especially the one from the holy world. "The young man in green on the left of the big man in gray also said with emotion.

"Maybe they will bring us unexpected surprises." The gray-clothed man was quite open-minded and didn't continue to struggle.


Then the camera was pulled back to the sky above the Xuantian Palace in the Immortal Realm, Zhuge Huanyu was confronting four Saint King-level powerhouses who had come to the Holy Realm.

When the young man in brocade clothes was about to step forward to deal with Zhuge Huanyu, the other three moved, and they teleported to the young man in brocade clothes, standing opposite him, blocking the young man in brocade clothes' way.

The young man in brocade clothes said angrily, "What do you mean?"

"Amitabha, evil benefactor, you are too hasty, right?" The fat-faced monk in cassock standing on the far right said first.

"Brother Xie, do you think we are fools? After you snatch the treasure first, you still don't sneak away early. How could you take out the treasure and compete with us based on our own abilities? The strength of the few of us is almost the same. If you have the heart run away, you think we
Can you stop it? "The young man in blue on the far left said coldly.

"Hmph, then what do you think? Could it be that the four of us deal with him alone?" Xie Wuya snorted coldly.

"Do we need the four of us to fight him together? I think we should have a competition first. Whoever wins is qualified to deal with him first. After the treasure is snatched, we will snatch it according to our own ability." The Taoist in the middle said.

The four of them had their own ghosts, and none of them wanted others to get in touch with Zhuge Huanyu first, for fear that the one who got in touch with Zhuge Huanyu first would snatch the treasure away first, as if Zhuge Huanyu was a soft persimmon, if he pinched it casually, he would be crushed to pieces.

"Hmph, if you don't do anything, I'm going to do it." Zhuge Huanyu said with a frosty face. The other party didn't take him seriously at all, and he had completely angered Zhuge Huanyu.

"Stinky boy, if you are in such a hurry to die, then let this deity fulfill you." Xie Wuya said angrily, but when he was about to strike again, the other three stopped him again.

"Brother Xie, why are you in such a hurry? We haven't discussed a countermeasure yet." The blue-clothed youth said in a strange tone.

(End of this chapter)

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