Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 377 Brothers Reunited

Chapter 377 Brothers Reunited ([-])

"You guys, hum." Xie Wuya was so angry that he couldn't speak.

At this moment, a domineering voice resounded through the sky, and everyone present could clearly hear: "Haha, don't worry, let my old grandson come up with a good idea for you."

"Who is playing tricks, come out." Xie Wuya and the other four said in unison.

But no matter how many people yelled, no one paid attention to them. They separated their consciousness in an instant, and found that three people were rushing towards them at a terrifying speed from a million meters to the south.

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw horror in each other's eyes, because the speed of the other three was very fast.

In just three seconds, Wukong and the other three arrived next to Zhuge Huanyu, which made Xie Wuya and the other four even more shocked. What was even more shocking was that they saw that one of the people who came was the demon practitioner Shao Tian who came down with them. But now they can't see through

The opponent's cultivation level.

Not only were they shocked, even Zhuge Huanyu was startled. Three people suddenly appeared in front of him, which really shocked him. After seeing who came, Zhuge Huanyu immediately cheered: "Brother, Xiaoling! , It really is you, why are you here?


When Zhuge Huanyu heard Wukong's voice just now, he knew it was Wukong, but the three of them suddenly appeared in front of him without warning, which really shocked him, but most of them were pleasantly surprised.

"Haha, brother is in trouble, how can the eldest brother not come to help." Wukong laughed boldly.

"Brother Shao Tian, ​​why did you come here? And who are they?" The young man in blue was also a person who had seen the big scene. Although he was surprised by the speed of the few people, he quickly realized that one of them was Shao Days later, he asked.

"Shao Tian, ​​you should know how to do it, and I will leave it to you, second brother, let's go down and talk about the old days." Before Shao Tian could answer the young man in blue, Wu Kong said it first, and as soon as he said it After finishing, Wukong pulled Zhuge Huanyu and flew downwards.

, Yun Xuanling followed immediately.

"Stop for me." Xie Wuya and the others hurriedly set out to stop them, but unfortunately they were stopped by one person before they could catch up with the three of Wukong.

"Your opponent is me." Shao Tian said to the four of Xie Wuya indifferently, a vast and majestic aura emanated from him, pressing on the four of Xie Wuya, causing the four of them to stop immediately shape.

"Shao Tian, ​​what are you doing? Do you want to steal the treasure?" The young man in blue said angrily when he saw that Shao Tian not only blocked their way, but also fought with them.

Shao Tian was only using the power of the peak of the Devil Emperor at this time, so they didn't suspect anything. As for Shao Tian's astonishing speed just now, they didn't pay much attention to it.

"Shao benefactor, don't you want to fight against the four of us alone, don't you look down on us too much?" The fat-faced monk said coldly.

"A demon is always a demon, and it really can't cooperate with the demon way." The middle-aged Taoist said with a righteous face.

"Haha, Yun Chenzi, what you said is grandiose, don't you want to get that treasure, now I give you two choices, one is to surrender to the Great Sage and join the 'Hongmeng', and the other is to die." Shao Tian laughed wildly Then said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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