Chapter 408 The Law of Gold ([-])

"Bang." "Chi." The towering giant stick hit the invisible wall around the mysterious characters. This time the towering giant stick was not corroded, but tiny cracks appeared in the space, and soon the cracks gradually expanded.

In the end, as if something had broken, with a 'click', the towering giant stick suddenly lost its hindrance, and hit the four mysterious characters all at once.

There was no loud noise, nor the overflow of energy produced by the collision of huge energies. There was only a white light, a very bright white light. Even Wukong was so blinded by this strange white light that he couldn't open his eyes. I can't see it, and I can't even develop my spiritual consciousness.


After a while, the white light gradually weakened, and Wukong could gradually see the scene in front of him clearly.

I saw the four mysterious characters revolving around Wukong, and at the same time, a mysterious force imprisoned Wukong's body, making Wukong unable to move.

"What's going on?" Wukong hurriedly summoned the World-Mietering Saint Power to try to break free from the restraint, but it didn't work.

Suddenly, the four giant characters stopped spinning, and with a '咻' sound, four golden rays of light shot out from the four mysterious characters, all hitting Wukong's body.

The four golden rays of light entered his sea of ​​consciousness instantly after hitting his body, and as soon as he entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he turned into four golden tentacles and grabbed his soul body.

"Hiss!" It was impossible to dodge, Wukong's soul body was also imprisoned, unable to move, the four golden tentacles instantly grabbed Wukong's soul body, and tore the soul from above.

There were bursts of unimaginable pain in the soul, but Wukong held it back. Although Wukong couldn't move at this time, his mouth could do it. Die to live, but Wukong's will
Zhi was very firm, and he didn't cry out at all, nor was he dizzy.

Soon the four golden tentacles tore off a fist-sized soul body from the soul body. Fortunately, Wukong's soul was strong enough. Although so many soul bodies were torn off, his soul was still far stronger than his own realm.

Four golden tentacles grabbed four small pieces of Wukong's soul body, left Wukong's body, and returned to the four mysterious characters.

As soon as the four small pieces of soul body touched the four mysterious characters, they instantly merged with the mysterious characters. Suddenly, the four mysterious characters rose into the sky, and Wukong suddenly lost his restraint.

The four mysterious characters converged in mid-air, emitting a dazzling golden light in an instant.

Suddenly, a vast, majestic, and ancient aura rushed towards his face. Wukong found that there was a familiar smell in this aura. This aura gave Wukong a feeling of both strangeness and familiarity.

This aura made Wukong suddenly realize a little bit, so Wukong immediately closed his eyes to feel this mysterious aura with his heart, trying to find a breakthrough point.

Time passed by little by little, and soon, Wukong opened his eyes and burst out two golden rays of light, but this space is quite special, the two golden rays of light dissipated after flying more than ten meters away, without causing a single ripple.

"If you don't come out at this time, when will you wait?" Wukong shouted loudly, and suddenly three rays of light flashed from his body. When he fixed his eyes, he saw three young people with different appearances appearing beside Wukong.

One of them has a kind face, one has a vicious face, and the other has an arrogant face.

(End of this chapter)

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