Chapter 409 The Law of Gold ([-])

"See fellow daoist." The three of them said respectfully like Wukong when they first appeared.

"Haha, you're welcome, come back." Wukong laughed happily. Now that all three corpses were killed, and he broke through from the peak of the immortal to the state of quasi-sage in an instant, how could Wukong not be happy.

It turned out that these three people were Wukong's three corpses of goodness, evil, and obsession, and they were all killed by Wukong in one fell swoop.

Afterwards, the three of them suddenly turned into three beams of light and entered Wukong's body.

At this moment, the golden light in the sky had dissipated, and a person flew down from above.

I saw that this person had a fair face, high eyebrows and deep eyes, a healthy body and a clear mind, exuding a masculine air from his body, he was a domineering demeanor.

Seeing this person's appearance, Wukong didn't immediately become vigilant, but looked at him with a smile on his face.

"See the deity for the golden method." The mysterious man said suddenly.

"Hehe, you're welcome. I already know all about your situation. I didn't expect that my law of annihilation would resonate with the golden law of this holy spirit bead, and thus you were born. The golden law of the holy body and the law of heaven and earth are really mysterious." Infinity!" Wukong said with a smile


Just now, Wukong has learned that the four mysterious characters are the prohibition of the holy spirit bead leading to the second layer of space, and the emperor's mystery with the law of gold attached to it is at the same level as his own law of destroying the world, belonging to the law of gold The deepest and most mysterious of all mysteries, as long as
After comprehending this mystery, one can display all the mystery of the law of gold, and the mystery of the emperor in each law has this functional characteristic.

The two supreme mysteries resonated just now, the law of destruction (that is, destroying the world) and the law of gold belonged to the same type of law, so there was a resonance between the two, so the law of gold extracted Wukong's soul, and borrowed Wukong's soul body Golden Rule Saint

Body gold method.

Wukong also learned that the unknown substances around him are actually the power of the law of gold. The avatar of the Heavenly Buddha Saint Emperor just borrowed a trace of the law of gold, and the power exerted by the avatar of the Heavenly Buddha Saint Emperor is also limited. Wukong's Law of World Destruction is at the same level, but
The amount is much less, so before Wukong used the ten thousand afterimages of the Nine Sticks of Extermination to destroy the power of the law of gold borrowed by the avatar of the Heavenly Buddha Saint Emperor.

Just now, because of the sculpting of the golden method, all the power of the golden law in the first layer of space has been absorbed. Today's golden method is stronger than Wukong's second body, the World-Exterminating Saint Body, and he is already a strong man in the early days of heaven. .

"Hmm." Jin Fa was obviously not the one who talked too much.

Wukong didn't say much, and walked directly to the time-space gate leading to the second layer of space that appeared at the end.

"My lord, don't go in." At this moment, Jin Fa stopped him.

Hearing Jinfa's shout, Wukong stopped immediately, turned around and asked Jinfa, "Fellow Daoist, why can't you go in?"

"Friend Daoist, if you go in with your current strength, you won't be able to resist the energy inside. You also found that you moved very slowly on this level before. One layer is much more dangerous." Jin Fa explained.

"Uh, well, by the way, you have absorbed all the power of the law of gold in this layer, can it still put pressure on my physical body and spiritual consciousness?" Wukong knew that the power of the law of gold was the reason , put pressure on one's physical body and spiritual consciousness, making the flesh

Body and mind unconsciously strengthened.

(End of this chapter)

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