Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 410 Mysterious Spirit Appears

Chapter 410 The Profound Spirit Appears ([-])

"Hehe, don't worry about this, soon this space will be filled with the power of the law of gold. This holy spirit bead is the treasure of the law of gold, and its built-in space can automatically generate the power of the law of gold." Jin Fa smiled and said .

"That's fine, I'll go out first, you can practice here." Wukong became more and more satisfied with the Holy Spirit Orb.

"Okay." Jinfa nodded.

Then Wukong flew back. This time, Wukong could fly. There are two reasons. One is that the Holy Spirit Orb is now the natal magic weapon of Jinfa, and Jinfa is the clone of Wukong's golden law. Wukong can completely fly here. Unrestricted, but if Goku wants to
If you want some pressure, there can be restrictions. Whether there is a limit is only a matter of Wukong's thought.

The second is that the previous power of the law of gold has been absorbed by the law of gold, and it will take a while to generate the power of the law of gold again.

Therefore, Wukong can now fly at high speed. Now Wukong's strength is even stronger, comparable to ordinary saints, but the speed is quite fast. In the blink of an eye, Wukong has reached the exit.

When Wukong came out this time, the three of Zhuge Huanyu hadn't finished absorbing the power of the elixir.

"Brother Wukong, have you finished your research this time?" Yun Xuanling asked happily when he saw that Wukong came out not long after entering.

"Well, almost, when the second brothers wake up, we will enter the interior of the Holy Spirit Orb to practice and make alchemy." Wukong nodded.

"Yeah, that's great." Yun Xuanling said happily.

At this time, in the depths of Hongmeng, on that floating land again, there are not three people sitting here, but four people sitting here.

"This Sun Wukong, I am becoming more and more incomprehensible. I feel that his achievement will never be lower than ours, but now the fourth brother has become the fourth first-level primordial master. If he wants to become a primordial master, he must Could it be a second-level Hongmeng controller or even lower, how could it be

Why do I feel this way? "Qin Yu said puzzledly.

It turned out that the fourth place was Lu Tian, ​​who had just become the controller of the Grandmist.

At this moment, the Hongmeng Gold List appeared in front of everyone, and a big word 'master' appeared above the names of the four people.

Several people looked at each other and looked at each other.

"Brother, what's going on?" Linley asked suspiciously.

"Could it be that Sun Wukong is the master of Hongmeng?" Hongmeng seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be answering Linley's question.

"The master of the primordial? Is there a master of the primordial beyond the controller of the primordial?" Qin Yu asked in confusion.

"Looking at the changes in the Hongmeng Gold List, it is probably yes, we will just wait and see." Hongmeng nodded.

"En." Qin Yu and the others responded.

Zhuge Huanyu and Shangguan Ruoxi woke up first in the secret room of the Dasheng Palace in the Warcraft Mountains in the God of War Realm.

"Brother, you?" As soon as Zhuge Huanyu opened his eyes, he saw Wukong and Yun Xuanling. At the same time, he found that Wukong was more unfathomable than before, as if he had merged with the heaven and the earth.

One must know that Zhuge Huanyu's strength has greatly increased, and he has broken through to the peak of the Holy King in one fell swoop, but he still can't see through Wukong, which surprised Zhuge Huanyu.

"Hehe, I also broke through." Wukong knew what Zhuge Huanyu wanted to ask, so he said directly.

"Brother, your pace is really too fast. It seems that I have to hurry up and practice later, otherwise I won't be able to keep up with your footsteps." Zhuge Huanyu said with a smile.

Author's Note: Alas, there are fewer and fewer clicks, it's heartbreaking!I hope those who have VIP can click more, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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