Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 411 Mysterious Spirit Appears

Chapter 411 The Profound Spirit Appears ([-])

"Don't worry, there will be a good place for you to practice later." Wukong laughed.

"Where?" Zhuge Huanyu asked curiously.

"I'll tell you guys after Tang Huanxing has absorbed the power of the medicine." Wukong said with a mysterious smile.

Not long after, Tang Huanxing absorbed the power of Hongmeng Haohua Pill, and reborn to shape the Five Elements Body, and then took the purple-golden elixir. After Tang Huanxing absorbed all the power of the two elixirs, Wukong Leading Zhuge Huanyu and others into the holy

Internal cultivation of Lingzhu.

Let's not talk about things here, and then pull the camera to the plain of death.

It has been 13 years since the disappearance of the six major hunting races, and now the ascetics in the Death Plain are no longer panicked like when the hunters just disappeared, and nothing major happened in the Death Plain during this time , some ascetics have
He gradually relaxed his vigilance.

At this time, a large number of ascetics gathered in a city in the east of the Death Plain, not only in this city, but also around the city.

This city is just a small city, and there are only two saint-level powerhouses sitting in it. There are not many people who come and go at ordinary times. This time, there are almost hundreds of thousands of monks staying here. It can be seen that something big is going to happen here. .

The name of this city is Cangbi City. At this time, in a box of a hotel in Cangbi City, four people are discussing the journey to win the treasure. The long-lost first body of Wukong is also among them. It's Wukong, Zixia, Qi Yanfeng and Xuanxi.

Wukong has placed a soundproof barrier in this box, and outsiders cannot hear the people inside.

Wukong returned to the tribe ten years ago, and also taught the people in the tribe a formation. After that, Wukong has been practicing in the tribe for ten years, coupled with the breakthrough of the Saint of Extermination, the birth of the golden method, and the creation of good fortune in the past ten years. The breakthrough of Eucharist and Lieyan, more or less gave Wukong

Bringing benefits, their breakthrough and birth have made Wukong sublimated in all aspects, his body has become stronger, his strength has become more amazing, and his soul, soul and derived universe have also evolved.

Now Wukong's strength can definitely compete with the Heavenly Dao powerhouse who has fully evolved the seven Heavenly Dao universes, or even stronger.

Not long ago, Wukong had just finished training, so he was about to go out to have a look. As soon as he went out, he found Qi Yanfeng anxiously walking back and forth at the door.

As soon as Wukong came out, Qi Yanfeng also noticed it immediately. Qi Yanfeng immediately stepped forward and grabbed Wukong's arm, and then walked out, saying as he walked, "Brother, hurry up, it's ahead of schedule."

"Wait, what's ahead of schedule?" Wukong broke free from Qi Yanfeng's pull, and asked doubtfully.

"Xuanling Canyon has appeared ahead of schedule." Qi Yanfeng said after calming down a little.

"What? In advance? Isn't there still more than 900 years? Why is it so long in advance?" Wukong said in surprise.

"Is this true? The Xuanling Canyon is really going to appear?" At this moment, Xuan Xi who was nearby heard the conversation between Wu Kong and Qi Yanfeng, and in a flash, she came to the side of Wu Kong and the two, only to see Xuan Xi asked excitedly.

"What happened to Shengzun and Brother Xuanxi? Where is Xuanling Canyon?" A young man in blue nearby asked suspiciously to a young man in green next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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