Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 412 Mysterious Spirit Appears

Chapter 412 The Profound Spirit Appears ([-])

"This? I don't know either." The young man in green shook his head and said.

In the tribe where Wukong belongs to, only Wukong, Xuanxi, Qi Yanfeng and Zixia know what kind of existence the Xuanling Canyon is. people know.

In the source world, those powerful and talented children sent into the Death Plain know what kind of existence the Xuanling Canyon is, and the ascetics in the Death Plain are also the survivors who participated in the treasure hunt when the Xuanling Canyon appeared last time and the dead The rulers of the plains know that other
Very few people know Xuanling Canyon.

"I just got the news that Xuanling Canyon was born early for some reason, so I came to you immediately. Now let's go to the place where Xuanling Canyon will be born and wait for Xuanling Canyon to be born." Qi Yanfeng was in the The tribe stayed for two years

, and Xuan Xi are considered familiar, Qi Yanfeng left two years later, and today suddenly got the disappearance of Xuanling Canyon's premature birth, so he immediately rushed to look for Wukong.

"Xuanxi, please make arrangements first, we will set off later." Wukong immediately instructed Xuanxi, at this time Wukong did not forget that there are still a group of people who need their arrangements because of the news of the birth of Xuanling Canyon, and they all left After that, there will be only one saint class left here
There are no other cultivators, so we have to make some arrangements.

In the past 13 years, Wukong’s Creation Eucharist has already attained the Sainthood, not only the Creation Eucharist has attained the Sainthood, even Zixia has also attained the Saintness three years ago, and one of the others has also attained the Sainthood fruit bit.

The other person had already reached the Dzogchen quasi-sage more than ten years ago. It is normal to break through and become a saint under the guidance of Wukong and others, but Zixia's cultivation speed during this period was obviously faster than before, mainly because she met again. It's Wukong, the knot is already knotted, Xiu

It's obviously much faster to practice. She was originally very talented, and she was practicing in the Death Plain, with Wukong's special guidance. Now it's normal to be certified as a saint.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." So Xuan Xi went to gather everyone together to explain the matter.

"Wukong, I'm going too. I've already attained the sagehood. You said before that as long as I attain the sagehood, I'm allowed to go. Don't play tricks on me!" At this moment, Zixia left. She came out and said playfully to Wukong, she just talked to Wukong and others.

I heard it all.

"Hehe, there must be your share." Wukong smiled and said.

"Hee hee." Zixia smiled happily.

After Xuan Xi made arrangements, the group set off, and finally stayed in Cangbi City near the place where Xuanling Canyon was about to be born, waiting for the appearance of Xuanling Canyon.

Now Wukong and others have stayed in Cangbi City for five days, but Xuanling Canyon still hasn't appeared.

"There are so many people outside. After Xuanling Canyon appears, I'm afraid there will be countless deaths and injuries." Zixia said a little sadly. After all, Zixia is relatively simple and kind, knowing that many ascetics will soon die because of treasure hunting. A little sentimental.

"Hehe, Zixia, you don't have to be like this, they also came here because of greed, there must be a cause and an effect." Xuan Xi persuaded.

Digression: The title of Chapter [-] should be the Golden Rule ([-]). I made a typo. I’m sorry. Let me say it again. I hope everyone can give more clicks and support the genuine version. I will be motivated to write more if I click more. Otherwise, now that the monthly manuscript fee is only more than a dozen yuan, and my family is opposed to my writing, it would be great if I can continue to write, let alone update more.

(End of this chapter)

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