Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 422 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 422

Of course, some saint-level ascetics know this situation, so they don’t go through the light curtain repeatedly. These people are watching the crowd frantically passing through the light curtain back and forth like a play. Most of these people are from the three major cities. People, after all, one of the three major cities

Fen had participated in the birth of Xuanling Canyon before, and knowing this situation, those below the level of Tiandao cannot enter the light curtain.

However, before Xuanxi and Zixia entered the light curtain, they were really shocked, so these people thought that this time, people below the level of heaven can enter the light curtain, but they tried it once, but it still didn't work, so they gave up and stayed aside to wait for Luo Tianxiang and others came out.

Luo Tianxiang and others knew that saint-level men could not enter the light curtain, but they brought some saint-level powers here, mainly to save face. The same is true for some other powerhouses who have participated in Xuanling Canyon and brought saint-level subordinates.

Pull the camera back to Wukong and the others.

I saw Xuan Xi flying towards a sword-shaped magic weapon in surprise, but just as he flew out, he was stopped by Qi Yanfeng, "You want to court death, don't you? Didn't your master tell you that the periphery is very dangerous? Is it? That is, some strong men of the Dzogchen will perish in the
this. "

After Qi Yanfeng yelled like this, Xuan Xi woke up immediately, as if she was reborn after a catastrophe, she said thankfully, "Thank you brother Yanfeng, the master did tell me, but I didn't know what happened to me just now. I remember being dazed by a mysterious
The power is drawn to the position of the blue sword, and it feels like the sword is calling me. "

"Calling you? What's the situation? These magic weapons never take the initiative to attack intruders! They only attack when intruders approach. How could it summon you? Is it possible?" Qi Yanfeng said suddenly I opened my eyes wide as if thinking of something
Xuan Xi.

"What's the matter? Second brother." Wukong flew up and asked.

"Brother Yanfeng, could it be something?" Xuan Xi also asked suspiciously.

"The treasure recognizes the owner." Qi Yanfeng expressed his conjecture.

"What? Recognize the Lord? Really?" Xuan Xi was stunned and couldn't believe what she heard.

"I'm not sure either, this is just my guess." Qi Yanfeng shook his head and said.

"Then what should we do next?" Xuan Xi calmed down a little, and was no longer as shocked as before.

"I don't know what to do. I only know how to crack Qiankun Leifeng Array and Illusion Array. I don't know how to crack the peripheral ones. I think we can only force our way. As for you, I can suggest you Go try to get close to that blue sword, maybe there will be accidents
Surprises happen. "Qi Yanfeng spread his hands and shrugged.

"This?" Xuan Xi said hesitantly.

Wukong and Zixia did not make a sound either. After all, it is very dangerous to get close to those magic weapons. These magic weapons are all magic weapons of the primordial level. Even if a strong man of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Dao approaches, he will be killed, not to mention that Xuan Xi is only a saint. level of ascetics, Wukong and others
He will not force Xuan Xi to go, everything is his own decision.

"Okay, I'll try it." Finally Xuan Xi made up his mind, looking firmly at the blue sword.

"Xuan Xi, you have to think clearly, you know how dangerous it is to get close to it." Wukong said.

"If I don't try, we still have to make it through. With my strength, I will definitely not be able to make it through. Then I might as well try. Opportunities and dangers coexist. I can't give up unknown opportunities just because of fear." Xuan Xi said very firmly. .

(End of this chapter)

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