Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 423 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 423

"I'm with you. If something unexpected happens, I'll be able to save you in time." Considering the danger of getting close to the blue sword, Wukong felt that it would be better for him to be together. If something unexpected happens, he can deal with it in time. .

"Wukong, I advise you not to go with me. These magic weapons can kill even the strong ones of the Great Consummation of the Heavenly Dao. If there is any accident, you may not be able to protect yourself if you go, let alone save Xuanxi. What's more, the blue sword is calling

Xuan Xi, not only won't you be able to help if you go, you may even make mistakes. "Qi Yanfeng said.

"Brother Qi, you are too cold-blooded and selfish. You actually let Brother Xuanxi take risks alone. At this time, we should unite as one and advance and retreat together." Zixia spoke a little dissatisfied.

"Sister Zixia, how can you belittle me like this? I don't treat Xuan Xi as an outsider. He is my brother's friend, and of course my friend. I won't let my friends be cannon fodder. I don't care about that kind of thing." But we can't do it, we have to force our way here
The defense of these magic weapons, and Xuanxi was called by the blue sword, it is very likely that the magic weapon recognized the master, since there is this possibility, we have to try it, if he succeeds, then the chance of us entering inside is very high big. "Qi Yanfeng said helplessly.

"Hehe, Zixia, the second brother didn't mean that, but what Zixia said is right, we can't let Xuan Xi take the risk alone, let Xuan Xi and I go together, if the sword really recognizes its owner, it will be considered as the trigger." Attack is also attacking me. If you do not recognize the Lord, I and

Xuan Xi also has a support, who can save Xuan Xi at critical moments. "Wukong said with a smile.

"Since this is the case, then I will also be together, one more person and more strength." Qi Yanfeng compromised.

"I'll go too." Zixia also raised her hand and signed up.

"No, you wait here." Wukong vetoed.

Seeing Wukong's firm eyes, Zixia had no choice but to put down her hands, and said slowly: "Okay, Wukong, I'll listen to you, so be careful."

Then Wukong, Qi Yanfeng and Xuan Xi walked towards the blue giant sword.

The closer he got to Xuan Xi, the stronger the call to him was from the blue sword, and finally Wukong and others walked under the blue sword.

At this time, the cyan sword was still not moving, so Xuan Xi and the three slowly flew up to approach the cyan sword. When Xuan Xi was less than a foot away from the cyan sword, the cyan sword finally changed.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" Only the sound of the sword could be heard from the cyan sword, and then a faint blue flame shot up from the cyan sword.

"Chirp!" Then there was a bird song from the blue sword, and a fire phoenix made of faint blue flames flew out of the sword, and instantly turned into a huge fire phoenix ten feet long. Flying above Wukong and others.

"Master, you are finally back." A cheerful, crisp voice came from Huo Fenghuang's mouth.

"Are you talking to me?" Xuan Xi asked suspiciously, the appearance of the fire phoenix gave Xuan Xi a very familiar feeling.

Although they heard that the fire phoenix seemed to call Xuan Xi the master, Wukong and Qi Yanfeng did not let down their vigilance, and were still on alert to stare at the fire phoenix in the air and the blue sword not far away, in case of emergencies.

(End of this chapter)

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