Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 424 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 424

"That's right, you are my master. Since that peerless battle, I have been guarding the outskirts of Xuanling Canyon. I didn't expect that you, master, did not turn into nothingness, but reincarnated and practiced again. What I didn't expect was I can meet the master again

. "The more Huo Fenghuang talked, the more excited he became, and the sound of chirping kept ringing out, expressing Huo Fenghuang's joyful mood at this time.

"Then what's your name? How should we enter the interior of Xuanling Canyon?" Xuan Xi asked.

"My name is Qingming, and I am the weapon spirit of the Qingming sword, master, you cannot enter the interior of Xuanling Canyon. Only the true heirs of Xuanling Canyon can enter the interior of Xuanling Canyon." Qingming replied.

"Only the true heirs of Xuanling Canyon can enter the interior of Xuanling Canyon? Then we can't all get in." Xuan Xi didn't know that Wukong was the ancestor of Yuanxin Dao in his previous life.

"Hey, that's not necessarily true." Qi Yanfeng said mysteriously.

"Brother Yanfeng, do you have a way to let us in?" Xuan Xi asked Qi Yanfeng suspiciously.

"No." Qi Yanfeng replied directly.

"What's your relationship with Tunyu Shengqi and Zhou Zilin?" At this moment, Qing Ming asked Qi Yanfeng.

"I'm their son." Qi Yanfeng didn't hide anything, and revealed his identity.

Wukong knew about it a long time ago, so he didn't react. When Xuanxi and Zixia heard that Qi Yanfeng said that he was the son of the two masters of the Death Plain, they immediately stared at Qi Yanfeng in surprise.

"No wonder you know how to crack the Qiankun Thunderstorm and Illusionary Formation. Brother Yanfeng, are you the heir to the Xuanling Canyon?" He is the heir of Xuanling Canyon.

"Of course I am not." Qi Yanfeng denied.

"Master, he is not the heir of the Xuanling Canyon, but since the couple Tunyu Shengqi and Zhou Zilin told him how to enter the outskirts of the Xuanling Canyon, the heir of the Xuanling Canyon has also followed him. We are husbands with Tun Yu Sheng Qi and Zhou Zilin
Wife's agreement. "Qingming explained to Xuan Xi, and then Qingming's eyes fell on Wukong and Zixia.

Because neither Xuan Xi nor Qi Yanfeng is the successor of Xuanling Canyon, so Qingming locked the target on Wukong and Zixia, trying to see which of Wukong and Zixia is the successor of Xuanling Canyon.

"Are you the heir of Xuanling Canyon?" Qingming ruled out Zixia at a glance, because he could see through Zixia's strength at a glance, she was only at the level of a saint, and she was not qualified to be the heir of Xuanling Canyon at all.

The heirs of Xuanling Canyon must be certified as the fruit of the Heavenly Dao, which is why Qiankun Leifengzhen needs a strong person at the level of the Heavenly Dao to use the laws of the Heavenly Dao combined with the power of nothingness to crack it, and it also explains why those monks (including saints) below the level of cultivation Can't

After entering the light curtain, if you are not qualified, you cannot force your way in.

"He is not the heir of Xuanling Canyon." Qi Yanfeng answered first.

"Eh? Could it be that you are the heir of Xuanling Canyon? Impossible, it can't be you." Qing Ming asked doubtfully at first, and then directly denied the answer.

"Why can't it be me? Am I that bad?" Qi Yanfeng joked.

"I didn't mean that. If it was you, your parents would have informed us early in the morning, but they said that you would bring the successor of Xuanling Canyon, so it wouldn't be you." Qing Ming compared him and Tunyu Shengqi. The agreement with Zhou Zilin and his wife was made out.

(End of this chapter)

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