Chapter 425

"Hey, it's really not me, and I didn't bring the successor of Xuanling Canyon this time, but the real owner of Xuanling Canyon, its founder." Qi Yanfeng said with a playful smile.

"What? The founder of Xuanling Canyon." "What? Say it again." Xuan Xi and Qing Ming were surprised at the same time.

"You heard me right. He is the founder of Xuanling Canyon. He is my elder brother Sun Wukong, who is also the reincarnation of Yuanxin Daozu." Qi Yanfeng said with certainty.

This news let Qingming, Zixia and Xuanxi know that there is no problem, not to mention the relationship between Zixia and Wukong, Zixia knows that there is absolutely no problem with this secret, and Qingming is the weapon spirit of Qingming sword, Xuanxi is Qingming sword. The reincarnation of the master of the underworld.

Qi Yanfeng knew about Qingming Sword and the original owner of Qingming Sword. Qi Yanfeng heard from his parents that Taoist Xuanming was the owner of Qingming Sword, that is, Xuanxi's previous life. One of the eight Dzogchen powerhouses under the seat of Yuanxin Daozu, who was loyal to Yuanxin Daozu, fell during that war.

Its achievements in magic weapons are quite high, breaking the previous understanding of magic weapons by ascetics.

Before Taoist Xuanming created the Qingming Sword, the ascetics of Hongmeng Universe used to know that magic weapons above the level of Houtian Lingbao were conceived by heaven and earth, and the spirits inside were also produced by themselves, unlike Houtian Ling. Magic weapons below the level of treasure are basically the souls of some fairy beasts, divine beasts, and holy beasts sealed by ascetics to become magic weapon spirits.

Of course, there are also a very small number of sacred weapons, divine weapons, fairy weapons, and even lower spiritual weapons that have been conceived by the aura of heaven and earth to produce innate weapon spirits. Baptism, for those strong, there is no difference between a spirit with a weapon and a spirit without a weapon.

The weapon spirit added the day after tomorrow cannot make the magic weapon produce the shocking effect of "moving the world and the earth". If the weapon spirit added is weak, the magic weapon will not be much stronger. If the weapon spirit is strong, such as adding the primordial spirit of the source beast.

This kind of acquired magic weapon cannot withstand the power of the dual effects of the power of heaven and earth and the source beast, and will eventually lead to the destruction of the source beast primordial spirit and the magic weapon, and even the ascetics who made the magic weapon will disappear under the power of heaven.

Therefore, in the past, no cultivator was able to successfully create a magic weapon of the level above the Houtian Lingbao. The magic weapons that can reach the level of the Houtian Lingbao are all baptized by the power of the sky, and their power is infinite.

Of course, in the Grandmist Universe, magic weapons below the level of the Grandmist Supreme Treasure cannot achieve such a powerful destructive power. Only those higher than the Grandmist Supreme Treasure, such as the source magic weapon and the law magic weapon, can achieve this level.

No one has succeeded in the past, but in the end there is a cultivator who succeeded, that is Daoist Xuanming. He not only succeeded, but also created the Qingming sword, a magic weapon of the primordial treasure level.

Also created a mutated fire phoenix, that is Qingming, it is called the undead Phoenix, and the Xuanming flame it emits is one of the six holy flames after the original fire and the law fire. As for the other five holy flames, they will appear one by one later.

Xuan Xi was Wu Kong's general in his previous life, and he is friends with Wu Kong in this life, and during the period of contact with Xuan Xi, Qi Yanfeng believed that Xuan Xi would not talk nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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