Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 426 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 426

That's why he revealed Wukong's identity, and he will say everything later, it's better to say it now than to say it later.

"My subordinates refer to Yuanxin Daozu." Qing Ming immediately lowered his head and saluted Wukong.

"Hehe, no need, now I am called Sun Wukong, you don't need to call me Yuanxin Daozu in the future, that is already in the past, you can just call me Wukong in the future." Wukong said with a smile.

"Uh, how can this work? How dare your subordinates call Daozu by his name?" Although Yuanxin Daozu is now reincarnated, Qingming dare not disrespect Wukong.

"Well, if that's the case, then you can call me Great Sage from now on! This is my current title, and the title Yuanxin Daozu should not be called anymore." Wukong knew that Qing Ming had witnessed his supreme power in his previous life, So I dare not call myself by my first name, so I also
He didn't force him, but he still emphasized that he should stop calling himself Yuanxin Daozu.

After all, Yuanxin Daozu is his previous life, that is already a thing of the past, and now he is Monkey King Monkey King, a brand new self, Wukong does not want to live in the shadow of the previous life, Wukong must get rid of the past life if he wants to transcend the past life. The glory of the previous life, the new self
, a new path.

Suddenly, a misty seed germinated in the depths of Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness. Wukong seemed to have realized something, but he seemed to have no comprehension. Nothing happened on the surface, but after the misty seed blossomed and bore fruit, Goku will have a new

"Okay, Great Sage." Qing Ming said respectfully.

At this moment, Xuanxi and Zixia were still dumbstruck, they were too stimulated right now, so they needed a little time to buffer and sort out.

"Then am I eligible to go in now?" Wukong asked.

"Yes, Great Sage, you are absolutely qualified to go in, Great Sage, please come inside." As soon as Qing Ming finished speaking, he saw Qing Ming sword flying up, and suddenly a golden road appeared in front of Wu Kong, one end of which ended at Wu Kong's feet, There is a golden light curtain at the end of the other end.

As soon as the golden road appeared, Wukong didn't say anything, and then Wukong stepped on the golden road and walked inside, and finally disappeared into the golden light curtain and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Master, now you put a drop of blood essence on the Qingming sword, and put a trace of your consciousness on it." Just as Wukong disappeared in front of everyone, the Qingming sword flew in front of Xuan Xi, and at the same time Qingming said to Xuan Xi .

"Wait." When Xuan Xi was about to do what Qing Ming said, Qi Yanfeng stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Xuan Xi asked suspiciously.

"Do you have any questions?" Qing Ming also asked puzzled.

"Now that you recognize the Lord, because Xuan Xi's current cultivation level is very low, Qing Ming's power will definitely be suppressed and sealed. At that time, Xuan Xi, you will not even be able to exert one ten-thousandth of the power of Qing Ming Sword. Don't you Forget, soon, there will likely be other levels of Heavenly Dao
If more powerful people break into the outskirts of the Xuanling Canyon, there will likely be a few powerful people at the Dao Dzogchen level. At that time, they will probably kill people and rob them. With our strength, it will be difficult to compete with them. "Qi Yanfeng explained, expressing his worries.

After all, the Qingming sword is the treasure of the primordial realm, and Xuanxi's cultivation level is too low. If the Qingming sword recognizes its master, most of its power will be sealed, otherwise it will cause Xuanxi to explode due to the unbearable power. and died.

(End of this chapter)

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