Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 428 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 428
Then Wukong entered the palace. As soon as he entered the palace, the first thing he saw was a long corridor of starry sky. It was as if he had entered a world of stars, surrounded by dazzling stars. Surrounded by countless stars

Every star seems to contain a kind of mystery of heaven and earth, mysterious and mysterious, Wukong glanced at it, did not stop to study these stars, but continued to walk forward.

The tunnel of stars is very long, and Wukong walked for about half an hour to reach the end. During this period, Wukong just walked normally, without using any footwork.

At this time, Wukong entered a huge hall. There was nothing in the hall except a huge statue in front of it. There were 360 ​​four golden gates around the hall, and each gate was engraved with With a picture of a beast, live
They are vivid, as if they are real, and these beasts Wukong can't even be called by name.

Then Wukong walked to the huge statue in front of him. This statue Wukong had seen in the habitat of the six hunting races was the statue of Yuanxin Daozu.

"It's finally here." Just when Wukong was still three feet away from the huge statue, a deep voice sounded. Wukong was no stranger to this voice. It was the voice of Wukong's previous source of origin.

Wukong didn't speak, but waited for what Yuanxin Daozu would say next.

"Strange, your Tao is like this. Strange, it seems that you are likely to reach a height that I have never reached. Haha, destiny, you caused me to be reincarnated, but I didn't expect to achieve me. My life, next I I will leave everything here to you, I hope you
Do not let me down. "Suddenly, countless cracks appeared on the huge statue, and it instantly turned into countless pieces, each piece exuding a golden halo.

At the same time, 360 four ferocious beasts flew out of the 360 ​​four golden gates, and slammed into Wukong together with the countless fragments.

At this moment, a black hole appeared above Wukong's head, and all the beasts and fragments flew into the black hole.

At this time, Wukong's eyes are closed tightly, and he has entered a state of ecstasy. If Wukong opens his eyes at this time, he can see a golden gate behind the huge statue. This golden gate is obviously much taller than the 360 ​​four golden gates. But this gold
There are no reliefs of beasts on the golden gate. There are ten various magic weapons floating in front of this golden gate. Each magic weapon has a restrained aura, as if it has merged with the heaven and the earth.

At first glance, it is not eye-catching at all, but a knowledgeable ascetic here will definitely rush towards these magic weapons crazily, because nine of these magic weapons are the original treasure of Yuanxin Daozu, and one is the accidental treasure of Yuanxin Daozu. Get the law to treasure.

"Boom!" A battle for magic weapons was going on outside Xuanling Canyon.

I saw Leng Hanxing and other five great and consummate powerhouses besieging a magic weapon with a unique shape that looked like a knife but not a knife. There was also a corpse not far away, which was obviously killed by this primordial magic weapon. The Heavenly Dao Powerhouse.

At this time, Qi Yanfeng and the other three were watching coldly from afar. After the exterminated Heavenly Dao expert came in, they were surprised at first and then ecstatic when they saw that Qi Yanfeng and others were also on the outskirts of Xuanling Canyon.

(End of this chapter)

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