Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 429 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 429
Because he felt that Qi Yanfeng and the others knew the way to enter the Xuanling Canyon, he remembered
There was another person who had to come in with Qi Yanfeng and the others, and he couldn't see through the strength of this person, he should be no worse than himself, but now he disappeared.

It is estimated that they have entered the interior of Xuanling Canyon, but Qi Yanfeng and the other three did not enter, probably because they are not strong enough, just like the outermost one cannot enter the light curtain if they are not at the level of Heavenly Dao. Qi Yanfeng and others also use
He entered through a special method, which strengthened his belief that Qi Yanfeng and the others had a way to enter the interior of the Xuanling Canyon, so he asked Qi Yanfeng and the others for the method to enter the interior of the Xuanling Canyon. Of course Qi Yanfeng and the others ignored him, so he Get angry, immediately move to
Qi Yanfeng and the three of them captured him.

At this moment, there were five other great masters of Heavenly Dao Dzogchen. They didn't say a word, they just watched the show from the sidelines.

But before that Heavenly Dao expert got close to Qi Yanfeng and the others, he was hit by a bolt of lightning. In an instant, his primordial spirit was shattered, and his soul gathered and scattered, leaving only his body falling on the ground. Of course, the nine Heavenly Dao universes he evolved It has also become an ownerless universe, without the way of heaven

The rules, reduced to the imperfect heavenly universe, drifted in the void flow.

In fact, after those powerhouses at the Dao level or even the Dao level fell, if they did not do it deliberately, the universe they derived would not be destroyed, but they would leave their purple mansion (the universe derived from the powerhouse at the level above the Dao of Heaven is in its purple mansion. In the mansion, there is Jiuhuan Dao Dan

Transformed, it looks like a small spherical object on the outside, but in fact the interior space is very vast and almost endless. As for Wukong's first body, it is different. He does not have the Jiuhuan Dao Pill, and his Purple Mansion has become his derived body. The basis of the universe. ) into the void stream

The Void Flow is actually a part of the Primordial Universe, and the Void Flow is very dangerous. Even if a strong person at the level of Heavenly Dao enters, there is a danger of falling. Of course, this is only for those cultivators. As for those abandoned universes, they will not be destroyed by the Void Flow. internal energy killing day

The powerful turbulence of the Dao strongman destroys, because there is a mysterious force protecting these abandoned universes from harm.

The Dzogchen powerhouse of the Dao of Heaven was instantly killed by a magic weapon of primordial origin, which immediately shocked the other four Dzogchen powerhouses of the Dao of Heaven except Leng Hanxing.

Then the magic weapon directly killed Leng Hanxing and the others, so Leng Hanxing and the others fought with the primordial magic weapon.

The battle at the level of Heavenly Dao Dzogchen is devastating, but there is no such situation here. Their battle can't make the surrounding space tremble, which shows how strong the space barrier here is.

"I don't know what happened to Wukong?" Zixia didn't pay attention to the battle between Leng Hanxing and the others, she cared about Wukong's safety.

"Don't worry! Brother is definitely fine." Qi Yanfeng said with a smile.

"En." Zixia nodded.

At this time, Wukong is merging the Dao and the original power of his previous Yuanxin Daozu. It turns out that the 360 ​​four beasts were derived from the Yuanxin Daozu's practice of Yuxu Heart Sutra.

Behind the four golden gates of 360 are the four huge life spaces of 360. The Hongmeng universe derived from Yuanxin Daozu is different from the Hongmeng universe derived from Wukong.

(End of this chapter)

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