Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 430 The Treasure Hunt

Chapter 430
The universe evolved by Wukong is to evolve 360 ​​five continents and the corresponding countless stars, while the universe evolved by Wukong’s previous life Yuanxin Daozu is to evolve 360 ​​five spaces, each space
There will always be a guardian beast in every space. Before Yuanxin Daozu fell, 360 five spaces had been evolved, but the guardian beast in the last space hadn't been evolved yet. Only when the guardian beast evolved would it be considered complete.

And the countless fragments that the huge statue turned into are the original power of Yuanxin Daozu, which contains the powerful original power of gold and the original power of earth. There are two kinds of origin.

He didn't practice all the origins, and his origin magic weapons did not derive the corresponding origin holy body, but for some reason, Wukong made every time he obtained an origin treasure or even a law treasure, he could derive a corresponding one. the Eucharist, which is also
Why Yuanxin Daozu was surprised by Wukong's way, and also explained that the situation of the fire source holy body and the golden law holy body is different. It's no longer Qi Ling, but Wukong's

The original holy body and the legal holy body, their magic weapons no longer have weapon spirits, but they can exert the powerful power when they had weapon spirits before.

Time passed little by little, and suddenly, Wukong opened his eyes, and two dazzling rays of light burst out, shining on the ten original treasures and law treasures in front of him.

All of a sudden, ten powerful auras appeared, and the entire hall suddenly glowed with colorful lights. At the same time, all kinds of strange beasts roared and ran wildly in the hall.

After everything settled down, there were ten men and women with different shapes appearing in front of Wukong, a total of seven men and three women.

"We have seen this deity." Ten people said in unison.

"Fellow daoists, there is no need to be polite." Wukong waved his hand.

At this time, Wukong is stronger than before. Although it is only less than one-thousandth of the Dao of Yuanxin Daozu and the original power of Yuanxin Daozu, it also makes the total number of continents Wukong has evolved to reach 99, which is one step away. Can prove the way, today's

Wukong can definitely be No.1 under the Dao, after all, he can use the power of nothingness in large quantities.

Now Wukong can already control the entire Xuanling Canyon. Xuanling Canyon is actually the universe derived from Yuanxin Daozu. Wukong only needs one thought to know what happened outside Xuanling Canyon. outside the fog
What is it, it is Xuanling Canyon, a huge canyon, and the entire palace is in the center of Xuanling Canyon. Wukong passed through the golden light curtain before directly crossing Xuanling Canyon and entering the center.

"Receive." Wukong took Xuanling Canyon into his sea of ​​consciousness with a single thought, and then Wukong appeared in an open space a million miles south of where Xuanling Canyon appeared. Qi Yanfeng and the other three were also there, but Leng Hanxing and others People didn't see it.

"Huh? What's going on? Wukong." Qi Yanfeng was surprised, and then he saw Wukong and immediately shouted.

"Wukong, what's going on?" Qi Yanfeng asked after the three of them rushed to Wukong's side, and Zixia and Xuan Xi also looked at Wukong in puzzlement.

(End of this chapter)

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