Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 431 Arriving in the Great Desolation

Chapter 431 Back to the Great Desolation ([-])

"From today on, the Plain of Death will be connected to the outside world, and the original rules will be lifted." Before Wukong could speak, a deep voice suddenly resounded throughout the Plain of Death and the entire Source Realm. Part of it is no longer independent.

At the same time, a space-time tunnel leading to the outside world appeared at the four ends of the Death Plain in the southeast, northwest, respectively. No one has discovered it yet, but someone will soon. At that time, a large number of powerful people will flood into the Death Plain.

Immediately, the entire source world (including the plain of death) boiled up, and all the ascetics were talking about it, and some Dao powerhouses and countless heavenly powerhouses immediately looked for the passage to the death plain. The intention was obvious, just to find the legendary Xuanling Canyon

, Who knows, Xuanling Canyon has been born, and has become a master, and was collected by Wukong into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Master, you have finally returned." In a mysterious place in the source world, a white-haired old man excitedly sighed to the void.

"Haha, these days are finally coming to an end." Another place, a middle-aged man laughed.

At this time, people in many places in the source world are expressing different sighs.

"What, what's going on here?" Hearing the news from the mysterious voice, except for Wukong who remained calm, the three of Qi Yanfeng were stunned and whispered incredulously.

Seeing that Wukong was not surprised, but showed a faint smile, the three of Qi Yanfeng were very surprised, especially Zixia who paid more attention to Wukong, so Zixia asked, "Wukong, what's wrong with you?"

"Hehe, I'm fine." Wukong smiled.

"Brother, do you know what happened? And why we suddenly appeared here, is it all related to you regaining control of Xuanling Canyon?" Qi Yanfeng suddenly understood what was going on, so he asked.

"Well, that's right, the Xuanling Canyon has been merged by me now. To be precise, I have merged part of the Dao of the Origin Heart Dao Ancestor of my previous life. The rules of this death plain are supported by the power from the Xuanling Canyon. , now Xuanling Canyon is my way,

Naturally, no power will be allocated to support the rules of this death plain, and not long ago, the six major hunting races have also become part of the Lie Yan Xingsha, and now the death plain has existed in name only. " Wukong explained.

"Wukong, where are those people?" Zixia asked.

"They are still trapped in the Xuanling Canyon. I have already used the power of the Xuanling Canyon to restrain them all. It will be useful for them in the future." Wukong responded.

"Oh, Wukong, what are we going to do next? Are we going to the source world? Hehe, we can finally leave the plain of death and go to the source world." Zixia was very happy at this time. First, Wukong became stronger, Second, you can leave the plain of death and go to the source world

"Back to the prehistoric universe." Wukong said firmly, looking at the void.

"What? Back to the primordial universe?" Zixia asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's time to go back to the Great Desolate Universe, and it's time to settle the cause and effect with the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao and Luo Hu." Wukong said flatly.

"Wukong, I'll listen to you, go wherever you say." Zixia said very gently, with the same firm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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