Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 433 Arriving in the Great Desolation

Chapter 433 Returning to the Great Desolation ([-])

Most of the families of these ascetics are common people in the source world, and only a few of them are small families with a little strength. Regarding Wukong's cultivation speed, they have been together for such a long time.
As far as I know, I know that Wukong will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future, and he will definitely become the overlord of one side.

It is their honor and their good fortune to become the subordinate of a strong man like Wukong. How could they disagree? As for whether or not returning to the source world is not contradictory to following Wukong, following Wukong even if he does not return to the source world now, he will definitely be in the future Will return to the source world, after all, the source world

It is the big stage for the strong to display their ambitions. They believe that Wukong will definitely not stay in this plain of death forever, so they will not miss this opportunity to join the strong.

Soon, everyone agreed unanimously, and everyone was willing to follow Wukong.

"Okay, since all of you are willing to follow me, I won't treat you badly in the future. Now I want to go back to my hometown, the Great Desolate Universe, to settle some matters, so you all follow me."

"Of order." Everyone said in unison, and no one objected.

Then I saw Wukong's right hand unfolded, and a box was transformed into a box, which was the Moonlight Treasure Box.

"Enlightenment." Wukong said lightly, and saw the moonlight treasure box flying into the air, and then the moonlight treasure box unfolded, and a dazzling light shone on the four Wukong and the people below. And then disappeared, in all

The moment everyone disappeared, the Moonlight Box also disappeared.

Soon, everyone appeared in the Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain in the fairyland of the prehistoric land.

The appearance of Wukong and others immediately startled all the monkey monsters in the Water Curtain Cave. Immediately, a golden-haired monkey shouted loudly: "Who is it? Since you dare to break into Huaguo Mountain?"

"Monkey monkey grandchildren, my grandson is back." Wukong walked forward and said loudly.

After seeing the person coming, all the monster monkeys immediately danced excitedly, and shouted in unison with tears streaming down their faces: "Grandpa Great Sage, you are finally back."

So all the monster monkeys surrounded Wukong immediately, asking this and that excitedly, but Wukong didn't speak, just looked at the monster monkeys with a smile.

"Grandpa Great Sage, please sit up quickly." All the monster monkeys pushed Wukong to the stone chair directly above.

"Hehe, monkey grandson, how are you all during the time I'm away? Are there any monsters to bully you?" Wukong sat on the stone chair with a smile, and stroked a little monkey kneeling beside the stone chair with his hand. asked the monkeys.

"Grandpa Dasheng, we are fine. Niu Dawang and Erlangshen often come to visit us. With them taking care of us, no monster dares to bully us." The golden-haired monkey replied.

"Well, very good, take these elixirs, grind them into powder, mix them in water and distribute them to all monkeys and grandchildren." Wukong took out a bottle of elixirs and gave instructions to one of the monkeys.

Although it is to make the monster monkeys grind the pill into powder and mix it in water to dilute it for all the monster monkeys to drink, but even so, these monster monkeys can at least improve their strength to the realm of the mysterious fairy, and the strongest can even be promoted to the second level of the immortal. In this way, the individual and comprehensive strength of the monster monkeys in Huaguo Mountain can be greatly improved.

When Wukong first returned to the prehistoric universe, he tampered with Huaguo Mountain to cover up the secrets, so that Honghuang Tiandao could not detect Wukong's return, nor could he detect the abnormality of Huaguo Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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