Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 434 Infinite Tribulation

Chapter 434 Infinite Tribulation ([-])

After the monster monkeys left, Wukong said to Zixia and the others: "Zixia, we will go see your father Lu Ya Taoist and Brother Niu later, and the others will stay here and wait for my arrangement when I come back." .”

"Okay, hee hee, I haven't seen my father and brother Niu for a long time." Zixia said happily.

"Brother, I'll go too." Qi Yanfeng stepped forward and said, since he came to the prehistoric universe, of course Qi Yanfeng didn't want to just stay here, of course he wanted to go out and have a look, and at the same time meet Wukong's sworn brothers and friends.

"Okay, Xuanxi, Zihuangtian, you two will come with me, and the others will practice here." Wukong nodded, and instructed others.

"Take orders! It's all up to the Great Sage to arrange." Everyone replied respectfully.

Then Wukong and the other five people disappeared in Huaguo Mountain with a flash, and at the same time, a voice rang in the minds of all the monster monkeys in Huaguo Mountain: "Monkey monkey grandchildren, my grandson is going out, and you must not disturb the people inside." , at the same time, you must also pay close attention to cultivation, and you can't be weak

Sun's reputation. "

When all the monster monkeys heard this, they immediately bowed to the sky, and shouted: "Send off the great sage grandpa, I will definitely practice hard, and will never weaken the reputation of the great sage grandpa." Fortunately, Wukong covered it up early in the morning. It's a secret, otherwise the cries of the monster monkeys would not be heard by Tian Dao

Wukong originally planned to get together with his brothers after he came back, and then go to Tiandao to settle the cause and effect, but as soon as he appeared in the prehistoric universe, he discovered that the entire prehistoric universe was in chaos. is coming, and this time
The immeasurable calamity was actually launched by the Dao of Heaven to deal with Patriarch Hongjun, Saint Sanqing and others.

At the same time, Wukong also discovered a shocking secret about the Dao of Heaven. This astonishing secret and the immeasurable calamity made Wukong decide to stay and fight with Dao of Heaven instead of going directly to him to settle the cause and effect.

In the West Kunlun of the Earth Immortal Realm, Taoist Lu Ya's ashram is located on a spiritual peak full of immortal energy in West Kunlun.

This spiritual peak is called Qingtian Peak, and it is the highest mountain in West Kunlun. It goes straight into the clouds, and the peak cannot be seen at all.

There is a huge palace on the top of Qingtian Peak, and Taoist Lu Ya is discussing Taoism with Immortal Zhenyuan in the hall.

"Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan, the heavenly secrets are so chaotic this time, the immeasurable calamity is probably not easy!" Daoist Lu Ya sighed.

"That's right! Recently, people in the demon world are very rampant, frequently provoking people in Buddhism, and recently there have been five mysterious forces that frequently provoke heaven, hell, and witches and demons. Maybe this time the calamity will be a big one." The largest immeasurable event since the creation of heaven and earth

Measure robbery. "Great Immortal Zhenyuan said equally.

Suddenly, the space in the hall twisted, light flashed, and five figures appeared in the hall.

The sudden appearance of five people shocked Immortal Zhenyuan and Taoist Lu Ya. Taoist Lu Ya and his wife jointly set up a large formation to protect Qingtian Peak. Readers also know that only moderate

The law of space is mysterious) quasi-sacred Dzogchen powerhouses can’t easily cut through the space and break into the inner palace hall, unless it is the arrival of a saint, but when a saint descends, there should be a vision from the sky, but the five people who suddenly appeared did not Let the world produce a little vision, indeed

It made Lu Ya and the two startled.

(End of this chapter)

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