Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 435 Infinite Tribulation

Chapter 435 Infinite Tribulation ([-])

After seeing who was coming, the two had different expressions on their faces. Immortal Zhenyuan was surprised, while Lu Ya was ecstatic, shocked, and surprised.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan was surprised that among those who came was his sworn brother, Sun Wukong, and Taoist Lu Ya’s youngest daughter, Zixia, and all five of them gave him a feeling that he could only look up, not at the same level, but Wukong was delighted Back from chaos at last,
Daxian Zhenyuan always thought that Wukong was cultivating in the secret realm of chaos.

Taoist Lu Ya was the most surprised by Zixia's return, because he knew Zixia's situation. Zixia was taken to the death plain in the source world, and she could only come out unless she had obtained the Dao. This made Taoist Lu Ya very shocked and ecstatic,
Daoist Lu Ya didn't know the news that the death plain opened a channel to the outside world.

"Second brother." Immortal Zhenyuan shouted immediately.

"Zi'er, is it really you? You came out?" Taoist Lu Ya said in disbelief at the same time.

"Brother, Senior Lu Ya." Wukong called with a smile on his face.

"Father, woo woo!" Zixia couldn't help crying, and walked towards Taoist Lu Ya at the same time.

"Zi'er, it's really you, haha, that's great, you came out, is it possible?" Taoist Lu Ya said ecstatically, and almost said it, he remembered that there were other people beside him, so he He didn't say what he wanted to say.

"Father, I don't." Zixia shook her head and said.

"What? Then you?" Taoist Lu Ya asked in surprise.

"Senior Lu Ya, the passage to the Plain of Death has been opened." Seeing Taoist Lu Ya hesitate to speak, Wukong knew what Taoist Lu Ya was avoiding, so Wukong said.

"What? The passage to the Plain of Death has been opened? How do you know about the Plain of Death?" Taoist Lu Ya asked in surprise.

"Wait, second brother, Fellow Daoist Lu Ya, where is the Plain of Death you are talking about? Why haven't I heard of it? Didn't Zixia just leave here? What do you mean, it seems that Zixia just came from the Plain of Death What's going on here?"

Immortal Zhenyuan was immediately confused.

"Senior Lu Ya, we just came back from the Plain of Death. At the same time, you don't need to worry. This place has been banned by me. Heaven will not know our conversation." Wukong knew what Taoist Lu Ya was worried about.

"Brother, the plain of death does not belong to our primordial universe, but a part of the highest primordial universe. I was attacked by Heavenly Dao before and sent to other universes by the Moonlight Treasure Box. Now I come back first to settle karma with Heavenly Dao, and secondly to take you there

The source world of the Hongmeng universe. "Wukong explained to Immortal Zhenyuan at the same time.

"The restriction you imposed can hide from the Dao of Heaven. Could it be that you have already attained the fruit of the Dao of Heaven?" Taoist Lu Ya said in shock, while Immortal Zhenyuan was digesting what Wukong said, and remained silent for a while.

"Well, that's right." Wukong didn't hide it either.

"Huh!" Taoist Lu Ya and Immortal Zhenyuan gasped at the same time.

"Second Brother, can you tell me carefully what happened to the Primordial Universe, the Origin Realm, and the Plain of Death? And why did the Dao of Heaven sneak up on you?" After calming down, Immortal Zhenyuan asked Wukong.

Taoist Lu Ya was also curious about how Heavenly Dao would sneak up on Wukong, so he looked at Wukong suspiciously, waiting for Wukong's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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