Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 436 Infinite Tribulation

Chapter 436 Infinite Tribulation ([-])

So Wukong roughly talked about how he met the master of the heavenly way in the secret realm of chaos with the ancestor Hongjun, and was attacked by him, and traveled to the Qinmeng universe, and the death plain in the source world. Wukong should say no
Said that Immortal Zhenyuan and Taoist Lu Ya were also very interested and didn't ask further questions.

For example, the name of Xiao Hanyu was not mentioned, only a super strong man was mentioned, there were also things about annihilation and good fortune, and he was the reincarnation of Yuanxin Daozu, because this was in the prehistoric universe, and Wukong was worried that he would be discovered by that existence, so Didn't mention it either,

Qi Yanfeng and the others also wisely didn't intervene, because Wukong had ordered before that in the prehistoric universe, nothing about Yuanxin Daozu was allowed to be mentioned.

At the same time, Wukong also told Zhenyuan Daxian two of his secrets that he realized that Tiandao was going to deal with the seven great sages and Daozu Hongjun, and at the same time told them not to tell the news of his return.

It took a long time for Zhenyuan Daoist and Taoist Lu Ya to digest what Wukong said. Taoist Lu Ya is better, after all, he is considered half of the source world.At the same time, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan learned that Taoist Lu Ya had taken refuge in the source world, and that the powerful Pan Gu and Di Jun had not fallen from the prehistoric period,
But after going to the source world, he was even more shocked.

Afterwards, the exchange of several people also let Wukong and others know why Zhenyuan Daxian said that Zixia had not been out for a long time before. It turned out that since Zixia went to the plain of death, Taoist Lu Ya used a secret method to create a fake Zixia to prevent Zixia from going out. The reasonless disappearance was noticed by Tiandao.

So, of course, his secret method was given to him by a strong man in the source world, otherwise he couldn't hide it from the way of heaven.

And the reason why Tiandao wanted to deal with the seven great saints and Hongjun Daozu, everyone also guessed, it was because Wukong was "killed" by Tiandao's surprise attack, which caused Tiandao, Hongjun and the saints to tear their faces, and Tiandao did not allow himself The governing universe does not listen to him

However, for some reason, he couldn't directly deal with the saints and Hongjun, so he launched Infinite Calamity and used other people's hands to deal with Hongjun and the saints.

Wukong also noticed two chess pieces hidden deeply in the Dao of Heaven. These two talents are the key figures in this immeasurable calamity. Otherwise, those two people are the ones who have been killed by this immeasurable calamity.

The person who should be robbed is also a threat to the existence of Hongjun and the saints. Wukong and the other five can figure this out, but Hongjun and others can't.

Wukong and Qi Yanfeng are both powerful in the Dao of Heaven, it is normal to be able to calculate it, as for Zixia, Xuan Xi and Zihuangtian can also be calculated, that is because they are saints of nothingness, they borrowed the power of nothingness, the way of nothingness is necessary Three levels higher than Heaven, they
It can be calculated and it is normal.

Zixia is a person from the primordial universe, and can only be regarded as a half of the origin world. Xiao Hanyu said before that a creature not born in the primordial universe cannot be sanctified by the way of nothingness, and become a saint of nothingness, unless he can understand the way of nothingness. But this requires ten years of understanding of the Tao.

It is only necessary to divide it into depth. So far, there has not been any existence of the way of nothingness that can be perceived without sanctification, at least Xiao Han Yushi has never heard of it.

But why Zixia also proved to be a saint of nothingness is mainly due to Wukong's help.

(End of this chapter)

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