Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 437 Infinite Tribulation

Chapter 437 Infinite Tribulation ([-])

Because Zixia and Wukong are couples of destiny, so Zixia can borrow Wukong's emptiness to seal the Tao, which also makes Zixia, making her prove the sage of nothingness, the sage of nothingness

It is much stronger than the Heavenly Dao Saint, the Great Dao Saint, and the Supreme Dao Saint.

Of course, Zixia and the others were able to calculate Tiandao's calculations with the respect of saints, and there is also part of the reason for Tiandao's secret, because Tiandao... (Temporarily kept secret, leaving suspense, will be revealed later.)
"Second,,,," Daxian Zhenyuan originally wanted to call Wukong's second brother, but suddenly thought that Wukong said that he had already attained the Heavenly Dao, and even if he saw a saint, he had to speak respectfully and not offend him, even though he just now Called again after knowing that Wukong had attained the Heavenly Dao
Wukong called second brother, but now he suddenly realized that he couldn't call him like before, but he didn't know what to call Wukong.

After all, Wukong wants the supreme way of nothingness, so his body naturally carries the supreme majesty that the way of nothingness cannot be offended, just like the saints in the prehistoric universe are saints of the way of heaven, they represent the way of heaven, and offending them is an offense against the way of heaven, and the power of heaven cannot be violated , likewise, to offend Goku
, is to offend the higher way of nothingness, even if Wukong doesn't care about it, that way of nothingness is not allowed, and the punishment of heaven will come down (this punishment is not the punishment of heaven, this sky is not that sky, but It is the supreme rule of nothingness) to warn.

However, before the heavenly punishment fell, Wukong secretly intercepted it in time, and did not let it land in this prehistoric universe. Zhen Yuanzi and Taoist Lu Ya did not find it. Heaven's punishment for Immortal Zhenyuan and Taoist Lu Ya
Warning, Wukong's interception just now is just like the way of nothingness shows that they can be exceptions.

Of course, Zixia and the others also blocked the heavenly punishment from the Dao of Nothingness just now. Zixia did not honor Zixia because they were called Zixia by her nickname and name just now, so the Dao of Nothingness sent down the heavenly punishment, and Qi Yanfeng and the other three It was because of the innocence of Taoist Lu Ya and Immortal Zhenyuan.

If the etiquette is negligent, the way of nothingness will bring down the punishment of heaven.

"Haha, big brother, you don't have to do this, you still continue to call my second brother, and I continue to call you big brother, my cultivation realm is my cultivation realm, our friendship is our friendship, and we can't be confused. "Of course Wukong could see that Zhen Yuanzi

Why is this so, so he laughed.

"Okay, second brother, I've done a photoshoot for my brother. Since my second brother thinks highly of my brother so much, I don't need to pretend to be a brother anymore." Great Immortal Zhenyuan said with a hearty smile.

"That's right, from now on everyone will be the same as before, you can call them whatever you want." Zixia said.

"Well, Zi'er, why don't you introduce your friends?" Taoist Lu Ya only started to look at Qi Yanfeng and the other three at this time. Just now, he had completely focused on Zixia and Wukong, ignoring Qi Yanfeng and the other three.

"Father, they are Big Brother Qi Yanfeng, Big Brother Xuanxi, and Big Brother Dihuangtian. They are all friends we met in the Plain of Death. You can just call them by their first names." Zixia pointed to Qi Yanfeng and introduced the three of them to Taoist Lu Ya. .

"Then I will forgive you. Fellow Daoists, I hope you will forgive me for being negligent just now." Taoist Lu Ya apologized slightly. At the same time, Lu Ya could see that Qi Yanfeng and the three of them had at least attained the sage status.

(End of this chapter)

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