Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 438 Infinite Tribulation

Chapter 438 Infinite Tribulation ([-])

After all, Qi Yanfeng and the other three didn't intentionally hide their aura. Anyway, Wukong had already covered up the secret, and they were not afraid of being noticed by the Dao of Heaven. Therefore, Taoist Lu Ya could feel that Qi Yanfeng and the three had at least proved to be a saint.

"Three fellow daoists, I was only talking to my second brother just now, and I hope you will forgive me for my negligence." Of course, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan could also see that Qi Yanfeng and the other three were at least strong enough to have attained the status of saints, so he hurriedly saluted apologized.

"Haha, fellow daoists, don't mind, just like what Zixia said, just call us by our names." Qi Yanfeng said first.

He has a very cheerful temperament, so of course he doesn't mind these rules. Immortal Zhenyuan and Taoist Lu Ya just talked to Wukong and Zixia and ignored them, which is understandable, of course he doesn't care.

"The two of you can just call me by my name." Xuan Xi didn't care about this at first, otherwise, in the plain of death, he wouldn't call brothers and sisters with the tribal ascetics who have not certified the sage.

"If you two think highly of me, you can just call me by my name." Di Huangtian and Xuan Xi have been together for so long, and of course he was influenced by Xuan Xi, so he doesn't mind these things, not to mention that the other party is his current master Wukong The sworn brother and Zixia's father.

"Okay, okay, then let's not pretend." Taoist Lu Ya said.

"By the way, Wukong, are you going to go directly to Tiandao to settle the karma when you come back this time?" Great Immortal Zhenyuan asked.

"No, since he spent a lot of time calculating Hongjun and the saints, then I will help him to speed up the operation of the calamity, and I will let him reap the consequences." Actually, there is another important reason.

That is the secret of Tiandao. Wukong didn't say it, but he didn't want too many people to know it for the time being. Even if the people present would not reveal it, but the less people know, the more security.

Because of Wukong Tiandao's secret, Wukong can't put everyone in danger.

Even Qi Yanfeng didn't realize this secret, so it is conceivable that this secret is not simple.Wukong had communicated with Qi Yanfeng and others before, knowing that they only calculated the way of heaven to deal with the Seven Great Sages and Hongjun.

And the real people who should be robbed are those two people, and nothing else has been calculated, so Wukong decided to stay and find out, and will not tell anyone for the time being.

"Let him eat his own fruit? However, the way of heaven is not so good, or we would have dealt with him long ago." Taoist Lu Ya knew that Wukong had sealed off the space here, covering up the secrets of heaven, and their conversation would not be known, so There is no need to worry about speaking.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Ya, are you going to deal with the Dao of Heaven? Could it be that you are what you said?" Wukong mentioned before that the Great God Pan Gu mentioned by Zixia and those strong men who were calculated by the Dao of Heaven in the prehistoric period did not fall, but went to the source world , Even Taoist Lu Ya has already taken refuge in a certain force in the source world, so the Great Immortal Zhenyuan vaguely guessed who the "we" Taoist Lu Ya was talking about.

"That's right, it's the great god Pan Gu and the many great powers in the prehistoric period, especially the great god Pan Gu. The great god Pan Gu was framed by the Dao of Heaven and lost this universe, so the Great God Pan Gu is bound to come back to settle karma with the Dao of Heaven, but now is not the time " Taoist Lu Ya knows who the Great Immortal Zhenyuan wants to talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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