Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 440 Endless Starfield

Chapter 440 Endless Star Field ([-])

Seeing how powerful you were at the time, I felt that our revenge in the source world was getting closer. Now, as expected, you have proved the Heavenly Dao in such a short period of time. The time for our revenge in the source world It's getting closer, but Wukong, you can't deal with Tiandao yet, I think you should know about that existence, so I don't need to say more. "

"Well, I know, don't worry, I will not deal with Tiandao recklessly now, I will let him suffer the consequences." Wukong responded.

"But?" Taoist Lu Ya wanted to say something else.

"I know what you want to say. Great God Pan Gu said that he wants to deal with Tiandao himself. Since Tiandao is a puppet, the person behind Tiandao that Pan Gu wants to deal with most should be the people behind Tiandao. When Pan Gu is strong enough,

God Pan Gu would not bother to do anything with a small puppet like Tiandao. I also have a cause and effect with Tiandao, so I will design to deal with him. God Pan Gu will understand when the time comes. Don't worry about that. "The communication between Wukong and Taoist Lu Ya is through the communication of spiritual consciousness.

It took a very short time, and other people didn't know, because in this prehistoric universe, Wukong's past life identity cannot be revealed casually, otherwise it would be bad if that person noticed it.

And Lu Ya didn't know whether Qi Yanfeng and the others knew Wukong's past life identity, so it was even more impossible to say it in front of everyone.

"Okay." Taoist Lu Ya didn't say anything more.

"Senior Lu Ya, senior, the immeasurable calamity is coming, you should prepare for the calamity, let's say goodbye first, and after I go to meet some friends, I will go to the endless star field." Wukong said.

"Okay, I won't keep you guys." Taoist Lu Ya said very understandingly.

"Second brother, if you have time in the future, you will come to my Wuzhuang Temple as a guest, and you have to be cautious about dealing with the Dao of Heaven, and don't be in a hurry." The Great Immortal Zhenyuan said through Taoist Lu Ya.

I also know that the way of heaven is not so easy to deal with. Even the Great God Pan Gu who has already proved the Dao status still feels that it is not the time to deal with the way of heaven. Besides, Wukong is only the status of the way of heaven now. Zhen Yuanzi is worried that if Wukong goes to deal with the way of heaven now, there will be accidents .

"Hehe, big brother, don't worry, I have my own sense of propriety, then big brother, senior Lu Ya, we are leaving." Of course Wukong knew that it was not appropriate to deal with Tiandao himself now.

It’s not that Wukong is afraid of the way of heaven, but that if he reveals his identity and the position of the source world, then the source world will be destroyed by that existence. It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and Wukong is not in a hurry. The most important thing at present is to improve his strength. So Wukong has other decisions.

Then Wukong and the other five left West Kunlun, and then went to Flaming Mountain, Guanjiangkou and Tianting respectively to find the Bull Demon King, Erlang God and Nezha to talk about the past.

What he said to a few people was roughly the same as what he said to Zhenyuan Daxian. He said everything that should be said, and didn't say what shouldn't be said. Of course, the same thing happened. Yuan Daxian and the two even exaggerated, and they couldn't react for a long time.

Wukong and the others communicated with Dao of Nothingness before they left West Kunlun. Afterwards, if those who are lower than them are disrespectful to them, Dao of Nothingness will not punish them again, lest they have to stop them every time. Forget it, if there are too many, it is inevitable that Tiandao and the people behind him will not find out, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

(End of this chapter)

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