Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 441 Endless Starfield

Chapter 441 Endless Star Field ([-])

Before Wukong bid farewell to Erlangshen and others, he also told them that calamity is approaching, they should be careful in their actions in the future, and not to disclose news about Wukong and others.

Then Wukong returned to Huaguo Mountain to make arrangements, and asked all the monster monkeys to activate the Huaguo Mountain Protector Array, while the ascetics from the Death Plain stayed in Huaguo Mountain to practice, waiting for Wukong and others to return.

Wukong also explained to them that even if they can achieve sanctification, they should not become sanctified for the time being, but suppress their strength first, and then prove sanctification when they return to the source world.

In the end, the five Wukong went to the Endless Starfield. After entering the Endless Starfield, Wukong and the others concealed their power. On the surface, they were all just in the realm of Xuanxian, and the appearance of Wukong and Zixia also changed.

At this time, Wukong no longer concealed the secrets of heaven. After all, the strength of Wukong and the others at this time would not attract the attention of Tiandao. immeasurable calamity.

The entire prehistoric universe is not limited to places such as Immortal World, Earth Immortal World, and Nether Hell, but also several isolated areas, including the Endless Star Field, which is composed of countless galaxies.

During the prehistoric period, the battle between the two clans of liches resulted in the fragmentation of the prehistoric continent, and the entire prehistoric continent was divided into the four major divine states of the Earth Immortal Realm and the Endless Star Field.

The area of ​​the Illusory Sea is very vast. Even if it is a strong immortal flying, it will take more than ten days to fly from the four major divine states to the endless star field. It can be seen how long the distance is.

Today, ordinary ascetics in the four major divine states do not know the existence of the endless star field, only those powerful beings who have lived for countless years know, and the same is true for the ascetics of the endless star field.

Of course, the Great Desolate Continent was divided back then, and the Heaven Realm was also divided. The current Immortal Realm is only [-]% of the space of the previous Heaven Realm. Similarly, the Immortal Realm is only [-]% of the size of the former Great Desolate Continent. The fairyland is also separated by a very vast Dead Sea.

The Illusory Sea and the Dead Sea are very large in size, and there are many dangers inside. It is very difficult for even ordinary immortals to pass through the Illusory Sea or Dead Sea safely, let alone those below the level of Immortals. Ascetic.

In this era when saints do not come out and quasi-sages are hidden from the world, the immortals exist sideways. With the strength of the immortals, it is so difficult to cross the fantasy sea. One can imagine the danger of the fantasy sea.

At this time, Wukong and the five appeared in an emperor galaxy called Tianheng in the endless star field.

There are three thousand emperor galaxies in the endless star field, and the sky star system ranks 51 among the three thousand emperor galaxies, and its strength is considered to be at the top.

Each emperor galaxy has more than a thousand king galaxies, and there are 57 and [-] king galaxies in the sky star system, and there are more than ten thousand star alliances in the king galaxy, and each star alliance includes more than ten thousand planetary planes. Now Wukong and the others have entered the Zishen plane of the Chiyan Star Alliance of the Lingyue King Galaxy of the Tianheng Emperor Galaxy.

The Zishen plane is divided into two continents, one is the Zifeng Continent and the other is the Shenhuang Continent. There is a violent sea between the two continents. Wukong and the three entered the Zifeng Continent at this time. The Zifeng Continent is mainly composed of three The Great Immortal Sect is in control, and the three major Immortal Sects are Leitian Xianmen, Yongfengzong, and Beichen Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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