Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 445 The Ultimate Immortal Artifact

Chapter 445 The Ultimate Immortal Artifact ([-])

At the same time, five figures appeared in the void here, and these five figures were Wukong and other five people.

"Who are you? How dare you sneak attack on this young master." Fang Tianyu was stunned for a while, but soon came to his senses, and then Fang Tianyu flew into the void, arrogantly questioning Wukong and other five people.

In Fang Tianyu's eyes, Wukong and the others were just cultivators of the seventh-order heavenly level, and he was obviously secretly attacked by Wukong and the others just now.

The cultivation base of Wukong and others hidden in the realm of Xuanxian can only be seen by the strong people above the level of Xianzun.

"Humph." Wukong snorted coldly, and Fang Tianyu suddenly felt as if a fairy mountain was pressing on his heart.

"You, you are not a seventh-rank immortal, who are you?" Fang Tianyu said in horror.

"Who I am, you don't need to know, you just need to know, where you come from, you will go there." Wukong said lightly.

"Hmph, I'm the young sect master of Xianyuanmen. I have important matters to go to the front. If you delay my affairs, I will make your life worse than death. I advise you to get out of the way." Fang Tianyu arrogantly Said, although Wukong hurt Fang Tianyu with a cold snort, but
He also only thought that Wukong was at most one or two levels higher than himself, so he moved out of his own sect to frighten the opponent.

"Troubleshooting, our young master told you to get out, so get out of here quickly." At this moment, Di Huangtian shouted loudly.

'boom. 'Di Huangtian's voice was like a mountain hitting Fang Tianyu's chest, and Fang Tianyu immediately flew upside down.

At this moment, many cultivators came up from behind, including Fang Tianyu's subordinates. They saw Fang Tianyu flying backwards when they first arrived.

Chen Fei, Fang Tianyu's subordinate, wanted to catch Fang Tianyu, but as soon as he touched Fang Tianyu, he felt a strong momentum from Fang Tianyu to himself.

'Pfft' Fade Chen also spat out a mouthful of blood, and then flew backwards like Fang Tianyu. In this way, many disciples of Xianyuanmen tried to catch Fang Tianyu and Fade Chen, and the result was the same. Seeing this situation, the cultivator immediately dodges
next to.

"Go back wherever you came from, don't chase after me anymore." A loud voice came into everyone's mind.

At the same time, a powerful coercion hit everyone, and everyone (except Fang Tianyu and others who flew upside down) immediately knelt in the void, trembling all over.

"Xuan, the strong Xuanxian." This word appeared in many people's minds, and everyone was so frightened that they trembled all over and did not dare to speak.

"Let's go." Wukong said softly, and then the figures of Wukong and others disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the coercion on them also disappeared.

"It wasn't an illusion just now, was it? It was the coercion of the strong Xuanxian. Could it be that the young man is a strong Xuanxian?" After Wukong left, the terrified crowd was left talking.

There was a "slap", and then an angry roar: "Why did you hit me?"

"You are an illusion, it was real just now." The man said dementedly.

Li Huanyang was still flying with the sword at this time, he didn't know what happened later, and he didn't know that the people chasing him had stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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