Chapter 446 Surrender ([-])

"Wukong, are we not going to approach him?" Seeing Li Huanyang who was still flying, Zixia asked suspiciously.

"No, keep a distance from him, even if there are any changes in him, the way of heaven will not think of us." Wukong replied, and at the same time, an extremely small invisible light disappeared into Li Huanyang's soul, Li Huanyang didn't find out, and the way of heaven is also

not found.

"Then what shall we do next?" Zixia asked curiously.

"Unify the forces here, let's go." Wukong responded, and then Wukong flew to the east first, and Zixia and others followed immediately. The communication between Zixia and Wukong was a spiritual communication, and only Wukong and the other five could hear it. In this way, it is to prevent Tiandao from hearing
A few people's conversations.

After all, Wukong and the others saved Li Huanyang's life just now, and Tiandao will definitely pay attention to it at this time, so it is not appropriate to communicate publicly at this time.

"Hmph, it's just a few ants, it almost ruined my event! You are lucky that you didn't continue to stop me, otherwise you will have a taste of endless purgatory." In the chaos, a figure said lightly, if Wukong is here , will be able to recognize this person, this person

It is the way of heaven.

At this time Fang Feiyu flew up again, Wukong and Di Huangtian only slightly punished him, and he was only slightly injured. At this time, he flew up and saw Wukong and others leave, looking at him uncertainly. Looking at the place where Wukong and others were just now,

Then he said to Fade Chen behind him: "Send a message, tell my father the situation here, and ask my father to send support."

"But, young master, those people just now." Fade Chen said with a little palpitation, the coercion emanating from Wukong just now frightened him.

"Hmph, don't you listen to my order? There is absolutely no Xuanxian-level powerhouse among those few people. Even the number one powerhouse in the Purple Maple Continent, Laozu Lan Chengtian from the Leitian Xianmen is only a sixth-level powerhouse." In the late Jinxian period, how could there be a Xuanxian-level powerhouse among them,
They must have used some magic weapon to create power just now, so I quickly contacted my father, I not only want to get Li Huanyang's ultimate fairy artifact, but also the magic weapon in the hands of those people. "Fang Feiyu said coldly.

"Yes, young master." Fade Chen immediately sent a message to Xianyuanmen to inform the sect of the situation here.

"That's right! Those people must not be Xuanxian powerhouses. They must have used some magic weapon to create their power just now. Let's go and chase after them." After hearing Fang Feiyu's words, the others immediately reacted and said loudly.

Then these people immediately chased in the direction where Li Huanyang was escaping, and the others immediately followed after you looked at me and I looked at you.

Of course, Fang Feiyu will not lag behind. Of course, he will not wait until the sect sends people to chase after him, but immediately lead his men to catch up. In a moment, tens of thousands of lights and shadows chased in the direction where Li Huanyang was fleeing.

At this time, in a huge palace exuding an ancient atmosphere on a fairy mountain, several people were discussing the news sent back by the disciples.

"Elder Li Huntai, do you think this news is reliable?" A middle-aged man sitting on the top of the hall asked a ruddy white-haired old man in the lower right corner.

"The sect leader should be reliable. I am willing to go there myself and snatch that top-grade immortal artifact." Li Hun said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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