Chapter 447 Surrender ([-])

"Okay, you take a few disciples to go, remember, you must grab the top-grade fairy weapon, and don't let the other two sects get it." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside.

"What's going on outside?" The middle-aged man stood up abruptly, looking out of the hall and shouting loudly.

At this moment, a person rushed in from the outside, I saw this person ran in in a panic, and immediately knelt down and said in a trembling voice: "Master, something is wrong, someone forced into the mountain gate, and the mountain guard It has been broken."

"What? You said that the mountain protection formation was broken?" The middle-aged man said in shock, but soon he calmed down. The elder said: "Elders, elders, come out with me.

Go there. "

"Yes." Everyone replied.

So the middle-aged man led the elders and the Supreme Elder to the outside of the hall.

At this time, under another big mountain, there was a group of cultivators surrounding five people, staring at them, but none of them dared to step forward.

These five people were Wukong and the others, and Wukong and the others were walking all the way up the mountain, completely ignoring the disciples of the Leitian Immortal Sect around them.

At this moment, someone came riding a cloud from the sky in the distance. In the blink of an eye, the person driving the cloud came in front of Wukong and the others. It is Lin batian, the head of Lei Tianxian sect, and all the elders and grand masters.


"See the sect master, all the elders and all the elders." The disciples of Lei Tian Xianmen were overjoyed when they saw Lin Batian and others coming in person, and they all bowed together.

"Hmm." Batian waved his hand, then looked at Wukong and the others, showing doubts on his face, because he could only see that Wukong and the others were only at the level of a seventh-order celestial being.

But since he can break the mountain guarding formation of Leitian Xianmen, his strength will definitely not be weak, and the formation method must be well studied.

"Who are you guys? Why did you break into my Thunder Heaven Immortal Gate and destroy the mountain guard formation?" After looking at it for a while, Lin batian questioned.

"You don't need to know who we are, you just need to know that from now on, you will serve me as master and do things for me." Wukong said lightly.

"Boy, I think you are tired of your life, and you dare to come to my Thunder Heaven Immortal Gate to make trouble, hum, not everyone can break into our Thunder Heaven Immortal Gate casually, boy, take your life." Before Lin Batian spoke, he An elder at the peak level of the third-rank Jinxian said angrily
Said, and then slapped Wukong with his palm.

All of a sudden, the wind and cloud fused, and the surrounding spiritual energy quickly gathered to form a huge palm, which carried great pressure and slapped Wukong and the five.

"Hmph, presumptuous." A ray of light burst out from Di Huangtian's body behind Wukong, and this ray of light quickly hit the huge palm. In an instant, the huge palm was pierced through a big hole, and then disintegrated and dissipated in the world.

At the same time, a powerful coercion that looked down on all living beings emanated from Emperor Huangtian's body, Lin Batian and others suddenly felt an irresistible pressure that made them kneel down, and the disciples of the Lei Tian Xianmen who were on the side were at the moment when the powerful coercion appeared Then, he was crushed to the ground, trembling all over.

(End of this chapter)

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