Chapter 451 Surrender ([-])

In fact, these elixirs that Wukong took out were obtained after he got the Xuanling Canyon. There is a huge treasure in the Xuanling Canyon, and there are countless elixirs in it. All piled up, not to mention more elixir and


With these elixirs, Wukong doesn't need to refine elixirs by himself in the future. These elixirs are from the Hongmeng universe, and the elixirs of the same level are much more effective than those of the Honghuang universe. The low-grade pills of the universe are even better.

In fact, there are pills in the Hongmeng universe that are higher than the top-grade holy pills, and there are many in Xuanling Canyon. Above the top-grade holy pills, there are low-grade chaotic holy pills, middle-grade chaotic holy pills, top-grade chaotic holy pills, and top-grade chaotic holy pills. , low-grade Hongmeng Shengdan, middle-grade Hongmeng Shengdan,

Top-grade Hongmeng Shengdan, top-grade Hongmeng Shengdan, and even the legendary Dao Pill.

However, since Dao Dan is legendary, no one has seen it, and no one can refine it. Of course, there is no one in Xuanling Canyon. The existence of Dao Pill, eating one even if it is a mortal
, after being completely digested, the realm of the Dao of Nothingness can be achieved immediately. Of course, this complete digestion takes time.

The Four Great Sovereigns also searched for it before, and finally found a Dao Pill, which was produced by the heavens and the earth. fight, but the two of them ended up being hit by the existential rape

It is a plan to be reincarnated and reincarnated. As for the Dao Pill, of course it was taken away by that existence.

Of course, he should not have finished refining yet. If he had finished refining and attained the Dao of Nothingness, he would have found the position of the source world long ago, and he would have already attacked Wukong and others. part of the memory.

In Wukong's previous life, Yuanxin Daozu's universe, Wukong has only merged part of it so far, and the memory of Yuanxin Daozu has only digested a little.

"Well, get up, I have two tasks for you now." Wukong nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, my lord." Lan Chengtian stood up and continued: "My lord, what are your orders? Just say it, we will do our best to do it."

Of course, everyone else stood up at this time, but they all stood aside respectfully.

"Yes! My lord, as long as you say a word, we will go through fire and water, and we will do whatever we want." Lin batian also immediately flattered him.

"First of all, I want you to call the other two immortal sects who can make decisions here in your name, and the other thing will be discussed after they come." Wukong ordered.

"Yes, this subordinate will send someone to invite the ancestors and heads of Yongfengzong and Beichen Palace." Lan Chengtian said respectfully.

"Well, I'll wait for them in your meeting room. Well, you can send someone there. You guys will take us to your meeting room where you entertain guests." Wu Kong first ordered Lan Chengtian, and then turned to Lin Batian and others Said.

"Yes, yes, my lord, please." Lan Chengtian, Lin Batian and others respectfully moved out of the way, and then Lan Chengtian ordered several Supreme Elders to convey the news to Yongfengzong and Beichenmen.

Digression: Five chapters are uploaded today, I hope readers can click more on the VIP chapters, support the genuine version, and give some votes, thank you, if the clicks are high, I will make more.

(End of this chapter)

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