Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 452 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 452 Hunting down ([-])

After all, we are going to invite the ancestors and heads of the other two immortal sects, as well as the Supreme Elders. Of course, we can’t send a few disciples, but definitely send the Supreme Elders with higher status. , Immediately flew in the direction of Yongfengzong and Beichen Palace respectively.

Soon, Lan Chengtian and others surrounded Wukong and others and entered the Baiyun Hall on Qingling Mountain, the inner mountain of Leitian Xianmen. After that, Wukong and the other five sat in the main hall, while Lan Chengtian and others just stood aside. Dare to sit down.

"You don't have to be cautious, just sit down, I said that this Leitian Xianmen is still yours, you just treat me as a distinguished guest." Wukong looked at Lan Chengtian and others, and said in a flat tone.

"Yes, my lord." Lan Chengtian and others replied respectfully, but even so, it was Lan Chengtian, the patriarch of the Leitian Xianmen, and Lin Batian, the head of the sect, who sat down with more than twenty elders. Disciple, □□disciple still dare not sit down, of course
, nor their seats.

Time passed by little by little, and soon, an hour passed, and an hour is basically an instant to a cultivator.

"Lan Chengtian, why are you looking for us in such a hurry? If you don't give us a reasonable explanation today, I'll never end with you." At this moment, a carefree voice came in. .

Soon, a red figure flashed in first. As soon as he entered the meeting hall, this red figure felt something was wrong: "Huh? Lan Chengtian, who are they?"

As soon as the red figure came in, he saw a strange young man sitting on the top, and there were four other strange young people sitting in the upper seats on the left and right, and Lan Chengtian and others sat in the lower seats.

"Wu Zhiyuan, don't be rude." Lan Chengtian hurriedly stood up and shouted, and then bowed to Wukong: "My lord, Wu Zhiyuan doesn't know your identity, and I didn't intend to offend my lord, please forgive me."

"Lan Chengtian, what's the matter with you, have you gone crazy, and you actually called a junior of a seventh-rank celestial being the master, you wouldn't say that you are so eager to call us here, just to see you, the so-called 'lord', right?" !” Wu Zhiyuan sneered.

"Hahahaha, it turns out that the master of your Thunder Heaven Immortal Sect is just a small seventh-level immortal. I don't think your Thunder Heaven Immortal Sect should occupy the title of the number one sect. Let us have it." At this moment, A group of people came in again, and a group of them went to Wu Zhi
Far behind, there is another group of people led by an old man in brown. The old man in brown was the one who spoke just now. standing behind the person.

"Huh!" A cold snort sounded, and the people of Yongfengzong and Beichen Palace were immediately dizzy by the sound. They fell to their knees instantly.

"Xuan, the strong Xuanxian?" Everyone with fear and shock on their faces said in unison.

At this time, Lan Chengtian looked at Wu Zhiyuan and the others with a sneer and said, "Hmph, are we crazy? I think it's you who are crazy. Since you dare to offend the Lord, you don't want to live."

"You, who are you? What do you want to do?" Wu Zhiyuan's face turned pale and he said in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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