Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 453 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 453 Hunting down ([-])

"Who are we, you don't need to know, now I also give you two choices, one is to serve me and do things for me like them, and then you can get benefits that you can't think of, the other is to die, the soul is scattered, and your sect on this continent
Gone forever. " Wukong said.

"It's absolutely impossible for us to be your dogs like them, so what if you are a strong Xuanxian? If you have the ability, kill me." An elder of Beichen Palace roared angrily.

"Ahhh!" But as soon as he finished speaking, he rolled on the ground in pain, and screamed heart-piercingly. It turned out that Wukong sent a ray of light just now, entered his body, tore his soul and soul, Its crying out in pain.

The screams of the Supreme Elder made the others tremble in fright, and they didn't dare to speak any more, for fear that they would suffer disaster too.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily, but I will tear up your soul and primordial spirit bit by bit, and let you die in pain." Wukong said in a very flat tone.

"I surrender, I surrender, please spare me! Ah! It hurts me to death, ah!" The horrifying screams shook people's hearts, and the Supreme Elder finally couldn't bear the pain and begged for forgiveness loudly.

As soon as the Supreme Elder begged for forgiveness, the pain on his body disappeared immediately, and at the same time, a ray of light fell on him, making his injury heal instantly, and he felt that his immortal power was more abundant, and his soul and primordial spirit also became stronger. Tougher.

Upon discovering this, the Supreme Elder was immediately overjoyed, and stepped forward to worship: "Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord."

"Well, you stand aside first." Wukong waved his hands at this person, and then said to the others: "How do you choose?"

Wu Zhiyuan and the others were so oppressed that they couldn't get up and could only kneel on the ground. They looked at each other and saw complex emotions such as helplessness, fear, shock, and unwillingness in their eyes.

After thinking for a while, finally several elders from each of the two factions gave in and said, "I am willing to serve the Lord."

Gradually, one by one, they all joined Wukong, leaving the ancestors and heads of the two factions and two or three elders who did not compromise.

"I, I, Wu Zhiyuan, serve the Lord." Finally, Wu Zhiyuan gritted his teeth and said loudly.

"I, Ye Tiancheng, also serve the lord." Ye Tiancheng is the ancestor of Beichen Palace, and as the two of them joined in, the others followed suit.

"Well, as I said, there are unexpected benefits for you to join me. They have some in the Thunder Heaven Immortal Sect, and you also have a share. There are a million top-grade elixir and [-] low-grade elixir here. You can take them. " Wukong casually threw two space rings to Wu

Zhiyuan and Ye Tiancheng.

"Thank you, Lord. I will swear to follow the Lord to the death." Wu Zhiyuan and others knelt on the ground and kowtowed again excitedly, and what's more, they burst into tears of joy, and said to themselves, Thousands of words can't express their hearts
of joy.

If they knew that the top-grade elixir and low-grade magic pills that Wukong gave them were much better than the top-grade elixir and low-grade magic pills they knew from the prehistoric universe, it is estimated that their performance at this time would be more exaggerated and dramatic.

Off-topic: This book will be moved to the new site Tencent Original Literature in the next few days. At that time, there may be situations where it cannot be uploaded. I will add it later. Thank you for your support. I hope you can come to the new site to vote for free Thank you for the three recommended tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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