Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 454 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 454 Hunting down ([-])

"Well, get up! As long as you do your best for me in the future, the benefits will not be less, this is just the beginning." Wukong nodded and said.

"I am willing to serve the Lord as a dog and a horse." Wu Zhiyuan and others stood up after shouting, and stood respectfully below, waiting for Wukong's instructions.

"Now I have a task to give to you three major factions." Wukong said.

"My lord, please order." Lan Chengtian and other ancestors and heads of the three major sects said in unison.

"Presumably, you should have heard of a sixth-order descendant of a celestial being who possesses a top-grade celestial weapon." Wukong said slowly.

"My lord, we did hear that, could it be that he is also a subordinate of the lord?" Lan Chengtian suddenly thought that a celestial cultivator who can possess the highest-grade fairy weapon might have a very powerful backer behind him. Could it be that the lord is that celestial cultivator? the backer of the

Not only Lan Chengtian thought so, but other people also thought so.

"He is not my subordinate. The task I give you is to let you send people to hunt him down." Wukong said an unexpected task.

"Ah! Chasing him, I don't know why the Lord wanted to hunt him down?" Wu Zhiyuan asked cautiously.

"You don't need to know the reason, you just need to do it, well, the matter of chasing and killing him is up to you to arrange." Wukong said after glaring at Wu Zhiyuan.

"Yes, yes, the subordinates shouldn't talk too much, the subordinates will absolutely act according to the Lord's will." Wu Zhiyuan was so frightened by Wukong's stare that he immediately knelt down and said.

"Lan Chengtian, find us a remote and quiet place, we need to retreat and practice." Wukong said to Lan Chengtian.

"Yes, my lord, Haodang Peak among the 81 main peaks of our school has a relatively remote and quiet palace. I will take the Lord to Haodang Peak right now." Lan Chengtian said respectfully.

"Well, you lead the way, and the others leave." Wukong nodded.

"Obey, my lord, please."

"Farewell, my lord." The others shouted.

Then Lan Chengtian led Wukong and others to a palace called Leitian Palace in Haodang Peak.

"My lord, this used to be the place where our Patriarch of the Thunder Heaven Immortal Sect lived and cultivated. After the patriarch passed away, it has been vacant. My lord, please come inside." Lan Chengtian led Wukong and others into the Thunder Heaven Hall.

Immortals also have a lifespan, which is not really immortal. For example, the maximum lifespan of a fairy in the prehistoric universe is a million years, the maximum lifespan of a golden immortal is tens of millions of years, and the maximum lifespan of a mysterious immortal is one billion years. The maximum lifespan is trillions of years, the quasi-sage is the most
At most, they can live 14 million yuanhui, and one yuanhui is equivalent to nearly [-] billion years. As for the saints, they live the same life as the heaven and the earth. As long as the prehistoric universe is not destroyed, they will live forever. Not to mention.

I saw that the Thunder Sky Palace is magnificent and composed of countless pieces of sky crystals. Sky crystals belong to the top-grade fairy stones. ) holy stone (low grade, middle grade, top grade, extreme
product), of course, this is the division of the primordial universe, and the primordial universe has a higher level.

Off-topic: In the future, if the number of VIP clicks exceeds [-], you will get one chapter, if you click two hundred, you will get two chapters, and if you click three hundred, you will get three chapters, and so on. If you click less than one hundred, you will not be updated, and I will not ask you to read the original version, even free recommendations I don’t even want to vote, what else can I say, the reality is cruel, and I don’t want to delay me too much because of this unprofitable book, every click counts, I can just relax, and I will soon receive my graduation The certificate went out and broke through. Here, thank you readers who have always supported me.

(End of this chapter)

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