Chapter 455 Conspiracy ([-])

Although this Leitian Temple has not been inhabited for tens of billions of years, it is still very clean. After all, it is a fairyland, so it will not be so easily contaminated with dust.

After Wukong and the others entered the Leitian Palace, they let Lan Chengtian and the others leave, and no one was allowed to come in and disturb them without their orders.

"Brother, these people don't seem to be so peaceful!" After Lan Chengtian and others left, Qi Yanfeng said to Wukong. Although Qi Yanfeng suppressed his strength, his eyes were very sharp. Different colors of people.

"Hehe, you also found out, it's okay, they can't turn the sky even if you measure them, you come with me." After Wukong finished speaking, he drew a golden door of light, and then pointed his right hand to the side, and several people with Wukong and others appeared immediately. Exactly the same person.

Then Wukong led Qi Yanfeng and others into the Light Gate, and after Wukong and others entered, the Light Gate disappeared, while those fake Wukong and others stayed in the Thunder Heaven Hall.

At this time, in the meeting hall of Leitian Xianmen, Wu Zhiyuan and others hadn't left yet, and soon after, Lan Chengtian and others didn't come back either.

Then Lan Chengtian sent out his disciples and elders to hunt down Li Huanyang, while the ancestors, heads and elders of the three major sects stayed behind.

"Lan Chengtian, I don't know what you mean by keeping us here?" Ye Tiancheng, the patriarch of Beichen Palace, asked.

"I said Ye Tiancheng, don't pretend, there are no outsiders here, only the ancestors, heads and elders of our three major sects. Today we will make it clear that you have also seen that those people are so generous. , it is likely to come before a star alliance

A few disciples of the Martial School, it is estimated that the person who owns the top-grade fairy weapon is not simple, maybe they are inconvenient to do it directly, so we have to borrow our hands to get rid of that person, since we chased and killed that person, it is likely to offend them too The big forces behind it, then we don't
If we don’t stop doing one thing, get rid of them as well, as long as we get their elixir, then we will have more hope of breaking through to a higher level. Since he gave us so many top-grade elixir and low-grade elixir at will, You can also imagine what this meant to him

It must be nothing, so he must have several times or even more than this number of pills, how about it?What do you decide? "Lan Chengtian said bluntly.

"You also said that the forces behind them must not be simple, so why do we risk our lives to offend them? I think we shouldn't touch that celestial cultivator who owns the best immortal weapon. Since those few Personally practice in your Thunder Heaven Immortal Gate,
They will not monitor whether we have chased and killed that celestial cultivator. As long as we lie that we have hunted and killed that celestial cultivator, but we have not found it, it will be fine, so that neither side will be offended. "Ye Tiancheng responded.

"Hmph, wealth and wealth are found in danger. If we don't take some risks, we will never be able to aspire to a higher level in this life. Since you Beichen Palace dare not take this risk, then don't regret it in the future." Lan Chengtian snorted coldly.

"Haha, it's a good fortune and risk. Our Yongfengzong promised to cooperate with your Thunder Heaven Immortal Sect. Since the people of Beichen Palace are not willing to take this risk, then we can share a little more sweetness at that time. Haha, Ye Tiancheng, when the time comes You Beichen Palace just don't want to be jealous!" When Yongfengzong said this, he glanced at Ye Tiancheng intentionally or unintentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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